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"   I am just  wasting my time with you.. I will get going see you later.. please take care of Arius " 

Athy said pissed as she  got up and  was about to walk out ..

' she is  mad.. OK..  enough teasing... let's get into the matter..' he thought.

" I was not playing.. I am serious "   lucas said   which made her sit back stunned

" what? " she asked.

he then told about the adoption process and how he should be married and all.. after hearing him .. athy understood  that he is  serious all this time.

" I see.. Well.. Even if that's the case.. why are asking to marry me? " she asked tilting her head.

" because you are his aunt and I don't have to divorce you and go through so many problem after marriage  if his mom to be was you... and I heard from uncle  you also want to be the guardian of Arius.  he was your family too.. it's not right for me to   have him all for  myself "

He said and  athy  stared at him surprised.

'even though he is  annoying and teasing me.. he is actually a good person ' she thought and smiled at him.

" you are right.. I also want to raise Arius.. his mom was my sister but she was like  a mother to me.. I don't know if I want to  repay  for all her kindness or  may be  because of the guilt  but  I want to be with him... so let's do this "

she said  in a sincere tone her eyes holding sadness . Lucas stared at her surprised

'she.. She feels just like me..' he thought and his lips curved into a small smile.

" yeah.. Let's  try our best to give a new family to our Arius " lucas said as both of them smiled and they did a hifi  smiling .

then, they  talked for hours and hours about how to handle the case and about their marraige... where to live after  marraige... about Arius...

time flew quickly

" oh my God!! it's been three hours!! I didn't realized it.. I have  so much work to do.. I will get going.. bye "

she said as she rushed towards  the door.

Lucas felt a little sad that she is leaving 

'wait.. am I sad..? Haah.. I must be crazy..'

he thought and  get up to send her off.. when he  closed the door  and head to his room the calling bell rang  again. he opened the door  to see her standing there  panting

" what ..? did you forget something? " lucas asked with a smile   his  little Happiness  showing obvious on face .

"... Yes... I forget to ask your number" athy said panting.

Lucas stared at her dumbfounded  and chuckled as held out his mobile

"is this why you run all the way back..? you can just ask arius you dummy"

he said while chuckling athy was dumbfounded and said

" oh God!! right.. there is a   way... Haah.. I am an idiot  !"she groaned .

"Yes.. you are" he said  smirking...and she rolled her eyes  as she made a call to her number from  his mobile..

"then I will get going... byyeee oppa.. I will call you later.. "

she  said and fled towards the  lift,   lucas stood  there surprised his heart thumping  faster

"wh..what did she said just now? Oppa..? she called me oppa right.. ? " he mumbled confused.. With  a small smile plastered  on  his face..

'As I thought  she is  different... when other girls called that... I never felt anything.. actually I felt disgusting at their  oppa with aegyo... why I feel  happy if  it is  her  ..?!! ' he thought

"am I  really going crazy?"

he mumbled to himself as he  went inside closing the door.

suddenly become a family  (lucathy Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now