4.Long Awaited Meeting

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While thinking about that.. Arius got an idea.. he suddenly remembered another important person in his life.. his athy eemo..

unlike lucas, athy met Arius in US when he was a child, Arius can't clearly remember everything because he was 3yrs old at that time but he remember seeing images of his aunt holding him in her  arms, kissing him .

she always talks to his mom on call  for hours, they both look so much alike and he loves his aunt so much.

he always argue with his mom to give her  phone to him so that he can talk to his eemo. when the accident happened he was suddenly sent to his grandfather's  mansion.

Lucas 's uncle told  arius  that his aunt daily calls his office  and asks about him since  she can't talk or meet with ari  because he is in that  mansion and his mom' s family and dad's family are rivals so his grandpa won't allow for it. he said he can freely contact athy when he goes out of the Mansion.

he decided to  meet athy.

Arius is now with lucas in his apartment and he was comfortable now its already a week now that  he settled down here.

Lucas would  always make sure he is  OK and do whatever Arius wants.. he remodeled a room for him and bought  anything he wants.. then one day Arius called athy with the help of  lucas 's uncle when lucas bought a  new mobile for him.

Athanasia p. O. V.

I lost all my reasons to live when I heard the news of my sister death. Why...?!!! Why..?!!!  Why did  this  happened  to her..?!! she just only got the freedom She always dreamed of.. Why now.. ?!!

I don't know what to do anymore that I collapsed on the floor. I didn't talked to anyone and did nothing but stayed  in my room crying.. then I tried everything I can to search for Arius.. My only family left now

but his grandfather didn't allowed me to contact him which made me furious.. so I was about to file a case  against him and ask  guardian rights for Arius, then his grandfather's brother called me and told me all the details about what's going on.

he helped me by  updating news about Arius daily. I was desperate to meet him.. hug him and told him everything is  gonna be okay.. I will always be with him, but uncle told me that he will help me to  be  with Arius so I waited for his reply. then suddenly one day Arius called me..!!

I can't express how happy I got by hearing his voice

" hello.. Is this...eemo ...?..I..I am Arius"

my heart was overwhelmed with happiness that I started crying

"Arius dear... How are you.. Can I meet you?!! "

Arius told me he also wanted to Meet me and he is  now staying  with his uncle and told me  his  address.

I can't wait to see him..!!! so I went  to meet  him as soon as I can. When I pressed the calling bell impatiently... a tall guy with red eyes and black hair  who  looked so much like my  Brother in Law stood there... the only difference is.. his eyes  looks  very cold.

He is  standing there staring at me.. I feel  like he is  digging a hole inside me.. why  is  he looking at me  with such sharp gaze ..? is he surprised or is he angry?! But I don't care about him ..all I want now is, to see Arius

"where is Arius?"  I asked  him

he then snapped out of whatever he was thinking of and told  me to come in.. I rushed inside his house and searched for Arius then I heard a voice calling me

" eemo you are here..!!! "

I turned and saw him standing there.. I rushed toward him and hugged him tightly.. tears started dripping  down from my eyes just.. what happened to me..?!!! why am I crying often these days..?!! I would  usually never cry   no matter  how much difficult my  life get .. but now I can't control my tears

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