Our Happy Times

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Athy came home earlier after work. She fresh up and  took a nap then cleaned the house listening to her favourite songs. She Sat on the sofa reading her favourite book. The door opened to show two boys coming towards her direction. Arius looked tired, he crawled on  the sofa and lied down on athy 's lap. Lucas Sat beside her and buried his face on  her shoulder.

She patted both of them

" is my two babies exhausted ?" she asked chuckling.

Ari nodded his head and lucas hugged her shoulder tight. She continued patting them as both of them fell asleep. She carefully placed Ari on the sofa and placed lucas 's head which is on her shoulder beside him. She loosened his neck tie and removed ari' s socks.

She placed pillows for them. Lucas slightly moved and comfortably placed his  head on it Ari snuggled his face into lucas chest and hugged him sleeping, he hugged him back and both was fast asleep. Athy admired the two cutely sleeping. She took photos of them cuddling in the sofa  giggling.

Then, an idea came to her to spend her rest of the evening. She joyfully went to the study room. After a while lucas wake up to see himself covered in blanket and Ari hugging him tightly sleeping. He patted ari's head and carefully get up and covered Ari with bedsheet and looked at him smiling 'so cute' he get up and searched for athy.

He heared sounds in the study room and went there to see athy  was enjoying herself doing something. He went near her

" what are you doing?"

"oh you wake up" she turned back to see him standing streching his body. He peeked at what she is holding

" what's that.. a photo?"

she showed him every photos she took of them when they don't know and he was surprised and happily saw them one by one. He also showed photos of her and Ari which he took  without them knowing in his phone. They then printed out every photos and put them on the frame.

" I am gonna decorate living room. With this." athy said beaming with a smile.

"hmm.. That's good.. I will help you if you want" he said patting her head. Then both of them decorated the wall with their photos, the candids they took of each other . And lucas got a idea.

"Wait I will be back" he went outside in a hurry.

"yeah OK be careful on your way" athy was confused but anyway send him off. She then happily decorated the wall. He came home after some time

" sia.. Look" he showed a big thing packed in his hand.

"what's this?" she curiously took it from his hand and opened it and gasped in surprise

" wow.!!! its so beautiful lucas!!! , is that why you went out just now?"

" Its really really beautiful I love it..!!! " she pecked him on his cheek.

" where should we hang it?"

" let's hang it there" he showed the center of the living room.

" yeah sounds good" 

they hanged it together and watched it for some time smiling. it's their wedding photo with arius  standing in the centre holding to both of them. in that... three of them were smiling happily.

" it's really looks good in the wall isn't it?" athy asked leaning  her head on his shoulder and holding to his arms

" hmm it is" lucas said grinning.

" what are you two doing?"

Ari asked  walking towards them. they turned and show him the photo

"woah..!! it's soo good.!!! " he jumped excitedly.

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