Their Marraige

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The day of marraige arrived.. athy got tired just by sitting for  makeup and other preparations, her friends  were overjoyed and chatting.. taking selfies correcting athy's makeup and teasing her... everyone was busy... athy missed her sister so much.. but she made up  her mind yesterday night... that she will be happy today... for  her sister's sake. she wore her sister's favourite earring which jennete noticed and smiled sadly.

Everyone was excited and squealing  when athy entered.. she was soo beautiful that everyone stopped what they are doing and admired her beauty. Lucas was stunned by her beauty

'is she for real..? how can someone be this beautiful?' he thought

" luu I envy you man.. you always act like you are gonna be a monk  but look at you now... marrying a fairy like girl"

max teased lucas and got surprised to see him  blushing

"oh my God!!! holy shit..!! we should record this historical moment of the great lucas blushing at his wife max where's that damn phone?!!! "

they both started clicking pics of lucas laughing and teasing him

"guys stop it" lucas scolded them

The priest read prayers and vows after both of them agreed to the vows and exchanged rings now its time to kiss athy's heart is beating like crazy when lucas face get close to her she closed her eyes  prayed to God that lucas should not hear her heart beat then she suddenly felt something  warm in her lips when she opened her eyes lucas was kissing her 'my first kiss' they both thought to themselves and smiled at each other

Everyone cheered and Arius was so happy he jumped clapping. Lucas lifted ari and athy kissed him ari kissed back both of them and after everything was over they both are exhausted lucas and his friends finished rest of the work sending athy and her friends to room to rest when they finished all the works they all head back to Lucas's  home . max and stephen flopped in the bed kiel was sitting on sofa ready to pass out any time.

lucas entered carrying Arius who is sleeping in his arms covered by lucas's court as blanket he carefully placed Arius in his car shaped bed which  he prepared for him  while remodelling and covered him fully with blanket and give him a good night kiss. He came out of room loosening his neck tie and see kiel  rushing out of his room

" luu come with me, we have to go and he also dragged other two who were half sleepy with him

" Where are we going?"

max asked sleepily sitting in the car

" where else.. ? to the pub,   the girls were partying there "kiel replied

" what?! "

lucas shouted he almost forget about athy in his tiredness

" what are they doing there until this late at night? " stephen asked

" I think they went to celebrate athy's marraige and passed out there. I called jennete and  by the way she speaks I am sure  everyone was already drunk  "

" damn it.. I should have taken her with me to home " lucas mumbled

" you are cruel god ..!! I was already exhausted.. now you are making see these  two love birds worrying about their partners and made my single heart hurt.. You two... stop doing this in front of me " Stephen groaned half asleep.

They reached the pub and went inside.. the four girls were already very drunk and so many guys were trying to hit on them

kiel hurried and tried  to make jennete stand and when someone tried to touch athy who was lying on the bar table drunk, lucas grabbed his hand and gave him a deadtg  glare  he got  scared and ran  away which made  max  and stephen laugh. they also helped kiel by carrying ces and anna home

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