Chapter 6

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A/N: AU and OOC, just a reminder.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they really encourage me!

Thanks to @CALActorsTypist on Twitter for editing this.

Time flies when you're busy planning a wedding, was the thought reigning on Madam Jin's brain at the moment. Six months passed and the wedding would finally take place next week. She was in a hurry.

She wouldn't be caught dead confessing it to anybody, but she was an adrenaline junkie. Deadlines and tons of stress made her feel alive. Maybe the fact that she felt like she lived in a tomb, like an Egyptian mummy in the midst of a rarefied atmosphere at her own home, was her real problem.

Jin Guangshan had not been a happy camper after he found out Yu Ziyuan was marrying none other than Lan Qiren. He strongly suspected her wife had been behind such a union. However, he had no proof. That didn't stop him from behaving even colder than before towards her. Not that it really mattered to any of them or changed their family's dynamics one bit since their relationship has been as warm as the tundra for as long as she could remember.

Although the Lan family's name umbrella covered Yu Ziyuan and her family at the moment, it didn't stop the problems pouring on her head. She was still dealing with Wen Rouhan and her own board of directors, which she suspected had already submitted to the man, so she spent most of her days at work fending the best she could with absolutely no time or energy to plan a wedding so Madam Jin had happily volunteered for the task.

She had been pleasantly surprised when Lan Qiren's assistant, a man with a sour countenance, arrived armed with an actual paper notebook, a pen and a card with no credit limit to handle the expenses and logistics involving the wedding. At the very beginning, she thought of him as a nuisance, but as days passed he proved himself helpful since he knew Lan Qiren's preferences so well helping her to make sure the man's tastes were fully considered in the decision making process without wasting his time to talk about floral arrangements or the guests list. He and Madam Jin went as far as consulting a Feng Shui master (the polite name for fortune tellers these days) to find an auspicious wedding date based on Lan Qiren and Yu Ziyuan's information.

At the moment, she was polishing the last details. Their wedding attires were finished, having opted for traditional red wedding robes, -a clear difference from the white gown she had worn on her wedding with Jiang Fengmian-. It took a while to have them ready, and the measurement-taking appointments had required a military precision level of coordination for both the bride and the groom due to their full agendas.

The children, the five of them, had been surprisingly collaborative. Since Yu Ziyuan and Lan Qiren decided they would act as their respective family, Lan Qiren would be serving tea to Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian and Madam Yu would be serving it to Lan Huan and Lan Zhan at the ceremony, Madam Jin made sure they rehearsed the whole affair so many times so their movements became natural for them and they had no stress whatsoever at the actual wedding.

The banquet, venue, booze, flowers, seating arrangements and rest of the little details for the public event were fully organized. Now, she was sailing dangerous waters and she made sure to be alone for her quest. Lan Qiren's assistant had completed all his tasks and she had left for the very last all things related to the wedding night and their honeymoon.

She knew she was being a freaking meddler, but she also knew how to be discreet, being determined to do anything in her hand to procure a happy wedding night and honeymoon for the spouses to be. And at the moment, she needed to tread carefully as she would be handling very private matters.

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