Chapter 14

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A/N: AU and OOC, just a reminder.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they really encourage me!

Thanks to @CALActorsTypist on Twitter for editing this.

Xue Yang had not been entirely honest with Wei Ying when they started sharing his spot under the weeping willow. He hadn't told him that he had been following his career as a show jumper. He had also sugarcoated the source of his father's family's money, so Wei Ying didn't know Xue Yang's family owned the most renowned stables in the country at first.

The Xue family were worldwide known horse breeders. The horses they produced and trained were second to none in the country. In fact, Suibian's parents were Xue Yang's property.

At first, Xue Yang had decided to enter the Cloud Recesses Academy to observe him and also to appease his guardian in the man's quest to make a passable human being out of him. He had seen Wei Ying compete in one of the events he usually attended and he had to admit, albeit reluctantly, that even if Wei Ying lacked technique he possessed colossal raw talent.

Xue Yang was also a horse rider, being on horseback since he was three. His guardians had been adamant he should learn his family business and his late father's passion. Xiao Xingcheng and Song Lan were almost endearing, almost. Those idealistic fools had their hearts in the right place, but he would have to be physically tortured before he expressed it verbally.

Although he had been training for almost all his life, and he genuinely enjoyed riding, he was utterly untalented. For him, horses meant business and a means of relaxation, nothing more. In contrast, for Wei Ying horses were his passion and after more of a year of methodical observation from his part, he was almost sure they weren't the only one.

Anyway, if he had just fessed up to Wei Ying that his main motive to attend this school was basically him, his friend would have flipped out, understandably. It would have made him look like a raving lunatic or a stalker or both, which was not good in his book.

After six months of unplanned, but very much expected lunch meetings under the willow tree, he finally told Wei Ying what his money source was or would be in the future.

"Let me get this straight," Wei Ying replied to his initial confession. "You'll own the Xue farms and stables."

"Basically yes," Xue Yang answered while he got rid of some dirt under his fingernails using a toothpick.

"For real?!" Wei Ying asked again, visibly excited.

"Yes dude, for real. Do you want to meet Suibian's parents?" Xue Yang asked in a blasé tone.

"Do you own them?" Wei Ying asked, incredulous.

"Yes, old man Lan bought it from us," Xue Yang informed him.

"First of all, don't call him that. He's Mister Lan to you and Uncle Qiren to me," Wei Ying retorted.

"Dude, why so proper?" Xue Yang questioned him, fully intent on messing with him.

"You won't disrespect Lan Qiren, I won't allow it!" He declared, a little feisty.

"Chill for fuck's sake!" Xue Yang interjected. "Listen, what I mean to say is that I'm sorry I kept it from you. It makes me look like a liar and I'm not that."

"I see," Wei Ying responded, pensive.

"Are you going to be difficult about it?" Xue Yang wanted to know. He was putting a cool facade on, but underneath he was truly worried. He didn't want to accept it even if it was the truth: Wei Ying was his friend, his true friend, his only friend and he didn't want to lose him.

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