Chapter 39

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A/N: AU and OOC, just a reminder.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they really encourage me!

Thanks to @CALActorsTypist on Twitter for editing this, remaining errors are all mine.

The day that Wei Ying became a Lan was truly chaotic. There were hordes of people running up and down the Lan manor. The wedding planning team presented a whole list of acceptable venues for the ceremony and the wedding reception. None of them was deemed acceptable by the grooms. Sometimes it was Lan Zhan who would object, and sometimes it would be Wei Ying. In the end, it was obvious to everyone that they wanted to get married in the Lan family home.

In a way, it made things easier for Xue Yang and Madam Jin. There were fewer things to think about, fewer problems to solve. It was, of course, necessary to hire extra help and the usually peaceful Lan manor was like a train station at rush hour.

In the midst of this maelstrom there was a solitary figure moving calmly along the hallways. She was the very image of poise, she glided elegantly and stopped in front of the bedrooms of one of the husbands to be.

Knocking on the door, she waited for permission to enter. After some moments it was heard: "come in."


Wei Ying was finally ready, they had opted for traditional wedding robes. He had let his hair grow over the past two years and it reached his shoulders. The hair stylist had fixed it in a top knot in a very traditional way.

He couldn't wait for it to be time, he wanted to be married to Lan Zhan already. The knock on his door startled him, he wasn't expecting anyone. Someone had come to help him dress and the hairstylist was done with him. He couldn't fathom who it could be.

"Come in," he finally said.

The door opened and he was a bit surprised to see aunt Yu standing there. She looked very beautiful in her formal attire, but there was something in her countenance, she looked uneasy or even kind of worried.

"Wei Ying," she said and looked intently at him. She looked hesitant to enter his room. He invited her to come again.

"Please aunty, do come in."

She entered the room and stood still for a brief moment, looking intently at Wei Ying.

"You look beautiful A-Ying," she exclaimed in a low voice filled with awe.

"Thank you," he mumbled, shyly. He knew she was not prone to give false compliments so he felt beautiful.

"I... " she hesitated, "I need to ask you a question," she finally told him.

"Of course," was his response.

"I..." she tried again, "Are you sure he's the one for you?"

Wei Ying looked at her, clearly surprised by her question. Then, a shy smile appeared on his face.

"He's the one, aunty. I can't picture my life without him," he stated, completely sure of himself.

"That's good then. You chose well," she told him. "Lans make excellent husbands," she declared while a small smirk appeared on her countenance.

Wei Ying burst into laughter, mirth evident in his whole body. After his outburst died down, he looked at her with a special softness in his eyes. Then she looked at him with seriousness.

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