Chapter 26

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A/N: AU and OOC, just a reminder.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they really encourage me!

Thanks to @CALActorsTypist on Twitter for editing this, remaining errors are all mine.

Warnings:  Wen Xu gives Wei Ying an explanation and the Wen siblings are here.

Wen Xu was actively trying to get Wei Ying to the car that was waiting for them in the Lan manor's driveway to no avail. As soon as the door closed behind them and they were out of earshot from the inhabitants of the house, Wei Ying jerked his arm free and turned towards Wen Xu, making him halt midstep.

"What's the game you're playing here?" Wei Ying muttered agitated in sotto voce.

"No game! I swear!" Wen Xu tried to defend his actions, going as far as raising his arms in a surrendering gesture.

"Are you really hitting on me? Are you cheating on Xue Yang?" Wei Ying asked in a menacing tone. It seemed he was one second away from actually decking Wen Xu.

"Hell no! I'm committed to Xue Yang," he said while grimacing at the mere idea of being a low life two-timer.

"Then what just happened back there? Care to explain?" Wei Ying demanded a bit calmer this time.

"I was doing reconnaissance," Wen Xu explained to him.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Wei Ying wanted to know, slowly losing his patience again.

"I swear I was there for observation purposes. Xue Yang asked me to do that," Wen Xu rushed to explain, his voice an octave above his normal tone.

"What?!" Wei Ying asked, dumbfounded. His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised, showing his surprise.

"Seriously. You know him! In fact, you're the person who knows him best in this world. You know that, right? Sometimes I wish..." Wen Xu interrupted himself mid-sentence, looking unsure of sharing this particular piece of information with Wei Ying.

"You wish what?" Wei Ying was relentless. Initially, this conversation was about what had just transpired in his home's living room, but now it involved his best friend so he wouldn't let this opportunity to know more about his best friend's boyfriend pass.

"I wish I could understand him better, you know? He's sometimes a complete puzzle to me. He's..." He stopped himself again, but this time his hesitation seemed to stem from the lack of a word that would define his boyfriend.

"He's complex, difficult at times, with a fucked up sense of humor, but loyal and caring like no other. I hope you know how lucky you are," Wei Ying said, eyeing Wen Xu carefully, like he was studying him and his reaction to his words.

"Believe me, I know," he said in a very serious tone. "But anyway, I came here to pick you up. He gave me very specific instructions about how to behave and what to observe."

"And what exactly were you supposed to observe?" Wei Ying asked, now curious about Xue Yang's plans.

"He stressed that I'm not allowed to reveal that to you," Wen Xu fessed up.

"Come on! You have to tell me," Wei Ying whined.

"I can't. I seriously can't. Sorry man," Wen Xu actually looked contrite.

"Why? Did he threaten you or something?" Wei Ying asked, completely nonplussed.

"Or something," Wen Xu mumbled.

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