Chapter 37

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A/N: AU and OOC, just a reminder.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they really encourage me!

Thanks to @CALActorsTypist on Twitter for editing this, remaining errors are all mine.

Warnings: Xue Yang is back and so is Madam Jin.

In case you forgot Guo Lian is Madam Jin.

Almost two years have passed after their graduation. Lan Zhan was already working in the Lan Enterprises, still in training to help Lan Huan in the company's board of directors. It was high time for Lan Qiren to retire and both his nephews were more than ready to step up.

Wei Ying took charge of the Lan stables where he was the general manager. He was collaborating very closely with his best friend and the stables became a very profitable side business for the Lan family. One night, they casually mentioned to their family that they were ready to take the next step at last week's family dinner.


As soon as the word wedding was uttered by Yu Ziyuan's mouth, Madam Jin was completely on board. It had been during their weekly call. They had made the promise to call each other at least once a week when they were busy and Yu Ziyuan commented off-handedly that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were thinking about getting married next year.

The very next day, Guo Lian showed up at the Lan manor with lists, lots of lists. She had compiled lists for possible venues, flowers, catering businesses, she even had put together color schemes for the wedding depending on the season it would take place.

In her opinion, she needed a year at the very least to plan a wedding worthy of the Lan family. She was explaining all of this to Yu Ziyuan while sharing a cup of tea, when an unexpected visitor arrived at the Lan manor.


His day started like any other one. He had a shit ton of meetings in the morning and another one in the afternoon which pissed him off since he would have very little time for Wen Xu that day.

The very first meeting went well, he closed a good deal and the rest of the day was really looking up. Then, suddenly, in the middle of his third meeting he received a message from his source at the Lan manor.

'A wedding is being planned and you should be here to do that.'

What. the. fuck? was the first thought that filled his head. This was unacceptable! This was disrespectful! This was... not going to happen. Xue Yang was not going to be ignored!

He knew this was not his boy's idea. He knew it very well because his friend had zero interest in a grand wedding. He even dared joke about eloping or having some sort of a picnic as a wedding celebration. Which was, of course, ludicrous in his opinion.

Standing up in a rush, he mumbled an almost incoherent apology and ordered his assistant to reschedule not only this meeting, but also the rest of his meetings for the day.

As he sat behind the wheel of his car, he made a mental note of sending a huge tulips bouquet to Jinzhu, his insider at the Lan manor. She was just the best.

He really couldn't understand what was happening. What was wrong with these people?! He had rights! Best friend rights for fuck's sake! Why couldn't these people understand he had best friend privileges?! This was preposterous!

This was incredible. It was bad enough that he wasn't able to attend his boy's graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, Song Lan needed an emergency appendectomy and he was needed there. Wei Ying understood, of course, but he really regretted not being there for him. The fact that the actual marriage proposal from Lan Zhan had occurred there and he had missed it, made it even worse. At least, Jiang Yanli had shared the video with him.

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