Chapter. 4 - Boys Everywhere

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The next day, Gwen trudged around South Park High trying to memorize the route from her first period to her second.

Just as she rounded a corner she smacked face first into someone's chest. She staggered back and tripped over her own feet sending her on her butt and her textbook across the floor.

"Ah— son of a bitch," She hissed when she hit the ground.

"Hey, watch where the hell you're going!" Yelled the guy she bumped into.

Gwen looked up to see a chubby boy a bit on the shorter side in a red coat and brown pants glaring down at her. His cold eyes narrowed as his lips curled into a snarl.

She glared back at him, not in the mood. Who the hell was this guy?

"Seriously, Cartman?" Gwen looked past this wide frame to see another boy with a green trapper hat and a face full of freckles march up behind him. "You're such an asshole, you can at least help her up."

"Fuck off, Kyle!" Cartman yelled.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around Gwen's waist and hoisted her up off the ground. She squeaked and turned her head towards the mystery person to find yet another boy in a bright orange parka that covered the bottom half of his face.

She tried to pull away from him once her feet were back on the ground but he wouldn't let go.

"How's it going, doll?" He purred through his hoodie.

She scoffed and was about to elbow the kid in the stomach when another voice spoke up.

"Kenny, let her go before she kicks your ass." A dark haired boy in a red and blue hat warned.

Gwen eyed the boys guardedly. What the hell was with all the testosterone currently surrounding her?

Kenny sighed and reluctantly let go of her. She turned on her heels and pushed him further away by the chest with a glare but it only made him chuckle.

"Sorry about that." Stan offered an apologetic smile as he bent down to pick up Gwen's textbook.

"It's fine," She grumbled as she went to grab it at the same time.

The moment their hands met they both froze. Then, slowly, their eyes met as well.

Gwen couldn't help but notice how pretty his eyes were. A deep ocean blue.

"I... I'm Stan, by the way." He introduced himself with red cheeks.

"Gwen." She replied.

As if he suddenly remembered that there were other people in the hall, Stan jerked back. He cleared his throat and nodded his head in the direction of the three boys watching them with mixed expressions.

"And that's Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman." He added. "You're the new girl, right?"

Gwen took her book and got to her feet, she looked around at the boys in front of her. A chubby short-tempered asshole, a freckle faced stick in the mud, a flirty blonde manwhore, and... Stan.

She actually didn't mind him.

Still, they were all clearly losers. Did she really want to risk being seen talking to them after she just made friends with the popular kids?

She contemplated walking away, just not answering Stan and continuing on with her day, but they were all looking at her so expectantly. Besides, if Bebe had any say in it she'd soon be associated with dorks like them anyways.

Eventually, the brunette sighed in defeat and nodded her head.

"Yup." She nodded. "I am."

"Sweet," Stan smiled back, "what class do you have next?"

"Oh, um..." She started to shuck off her backpack to look for her schedule. Just as she reached for the zipper, the annoying one tsked.

"Oh, come on," Cartman groaned. "We're not seriously gonna let this Chinese chick hang out with us, are we?"

The other boys began talking over each other, reprimanding Cartman for his rudeness. Gwen could feel the heat rising to her cheeks at the racist comment as she glared daggers at the pudgy brunette.

"I'm Korean, asshole." She spat.

He rolled his eyes. "Same thing."

Gwen wanted to lunge at him but she refrained as she begrudgingly reminded herself not to maim anyone on her first day.

"You know what," She sucked her teeth as she adjusted the strap of her backpack. "I just remembered, I have somewhere better to be, so,"

She turned on her heels and stomped off down a different hall before her anger could get the best of her. She was starting to regret promising herself not to fight anyone while she was still so new. All she wanted to do was repeatedly slam Cartman's head into one of the lockers until he shut up and that was only after one encounter.

Gwen tried to shake the guy out of her head and resume her search for her next class.

After what felt like hours of wandering in circles, she finally reached the classroom and peeked her head inside. The teacher was writing something on the board with her back to the class.

Gwen took the opportunity to sneak inside and quickly find somewhere to sit. She really didn't want to have to do another new kid introduction at the front of the class.

As she looked around for an empty seat she spotted the same four boys she met in the hall sitting at the back of the classroom. She and Stan made eye contact and he discreetly waved her over and pointed to the desk next to him.

The brunette hesitated for a moment but moved to take the seat when she saw the teacher shift from the corner of her eye. She paused at the desk when she noticed a backpack on the seat and Cartman sitting on the opposite side.

Gwen had no problem tossing his bag across the room so she could sit down and planned to do just that but before she could Cartman removed his backpack from the seat with a grumble.

The new girl slowly sat down, eyeing the boy skeptically. When he made no other moves to acknowledge her presence she scoffed and turned her attention to her textbook flipping through it to find the correct page the class was on.

Cartman let out an annoyed huff beside her, she glowered at him and mouthed, "What?"

"Page 394." He rolled his eyes.

She didn't question Cartman, just turned to page 394 and began to follow along.

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