Chapter. 32 - Sneaking Around

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Gwen and Butters stood in front of Kyle's house looking over the exterior. The roof of a tree house could be seen peaking in the backyard as well as faint conversations between the kingdom inside.

"T-time to get back the, uh, stick." Butters took a step towards the front door and Gwen pressed a hand to his chest stopping him.

"Wait." She said. "We can't just waltz in, we need a plan first."

"I-i thought the plan was just to sneak in and grab the stick?"

"Yeah, Butters, key word sneak. Not walk in through the front door for everyone and their mother to see you." Gwen snarked. She looked over the house again and smirked when she spotted a cracked window on the second story. "You see that window?"

Butters looked up and nodded. "Yeah?"

"We're going though it."

"Uh, h-how are we gonna do that?" Questioned the paladin.

Gwen walked over to the side of the house and grabbed the iron drain pipe. She planted her feet on the sides of the pipe and started to climb. Butters watched in awe as she somewhat clumsily shimmied her way up to where the pipe met the roof and grabbed the ledge.

"Come on, Butters." She urged as she dangled from the roof of the house.

"Uh, i-i'm not sure I can, uh, do all that." He muttered uncertain.

Gwen swung her legs in the direction of the window and let go of the roof. She heard Butters gasp as she dropped down and caught the edge of the window seal.

"Careful!" He squeaked.

The thief peaked over the rim of the window and saw no one in the room. She then pushed the window open all the way and quickly climbed inside.

It was a pretty standard bedroom. The only unique things in it being the various music posters lining the walls and a couple framed family photos on the dresser.

"Butters." Gwen called out the window expectantly.

"I-i can't!" He stressed. "I-i don't have a stealth skill like you. I'm a healer n-not a, uh, sneaker."

Gwen groaned and ran her hands down her face. Great. If he couldn't get up here that meant she would have to go it alone which she really didn't want to do. Sneaking into the living room and letting the paladin in through the front would also probably be more trouble than it was worth.

"J-just go on without me." He sulked. His shoulders slumped as he plopped himself down on Kyle's porch. "I-i, can just be your, uh, lookout or something..."

Gwen frowned and looked around the room for something to help. There was nothing but clothes in the drawers aside from a couple poorly hidden porn magazines she didn't dare touch, it was spotless under the bed, and the closet was full of more clothes. Finally, her eyes landed on Kyle's messy bedsheets and she got an idea.

"Butters, get up." She said as she took the sheets off the bed and threw one end out the window. Butters got up from the porch discreetly wiping the tears from his eyes and gave the brunette a questioning look.

"What are you doing?"

"Ever heard of Rapunzel?" She grinned. "Climb up."

Butters grabbed the end of the sheet Gwen threw down to him and started scaling it. He struggled to pull himself up all the way stopping halfway up the sheet to catch his breath and Gwen sighed. She started pulling the sheet back inside until the blonde was close enough to the window and climb through.

"I'm in!" He cheered and Gwen quickly shushed him. "W-whoops, my bad."

She gestured for him to follow her as she slowly opened the bedroom door and slipped out into the hall.

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