Chapter. 51 - Just One More

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Gwen watched as Kenny got back in the car and gave her a playful wink before Wendy began to drive away, honking her horn as a goodbye. The brunette waved as the car sped away and back around the corner, then she turned to her door with Furball in hand and let herself in.

As she entered the house, she was hit with a wave of heat and the smell of smoke but no fire in sight. Frowning, she slowly walked past the living room and stepped into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you burning in here?" Gwen asked when she found her aunt hunched over the stove trying to salvage a pan of charcoal.

Hana jumped at her niece's sudden appearance then groaned as she pulled off her oven mitts and threw them on the counter. "I was trying to bake cookies but..."

"You fucked up?" The brunette offered.

"Language," She said, "but yes."

Gwen wasn't surprised, Hana was one of the worst bakers in the family. She could cook a five-course meal no problem, but the dessert was always...  questionable. Underbaked pies, charred brownies, and she hadn't even mentioned the baked Alaska incident. Uncle Robbie's eyebrows were still growing back.

Gwen, on the other hand, could bake a three-tier cake perfectly. Baking was one of the few activities she and her mother actually enjoyed doing together, and though it was rare, it wasn't unheard of for the two to spend all day together in the kitchen. They hadn't done so in years.

The brunette's reminiscing had been cut short by her aunt's sudden gasp as she dove forward to examine the furry creature in her arms.

"And who is this adorable little thing?" She cooed.

"Furball," Gwen said before she could stop herself then mentally kicked herself for the slip up. "Kenny's gonna teach me how to take care of him."

Hana hummed in response.

"What?" The brunette narrowed her eyes irritably.

Her aunt shook her head, not wanting to voice her thoughts, but Gwen stared her down expectantly until she finally gave in with a sigh. "I just think you should be careful," she admitted slowly, like she was trying to ease the teenager into the conversation.

"Careful?" The teen scoffed but Hana continued.

"After everything you've been through, I understand wanting a bit more normalcy, but that doesn't mean you should force yourself into anything before you're ready. Just remember to take your time, the last thing you need is another heartbreak."

Gwen frowned hard.  She didn't need Hana to tell her to take things slow and she hated the way she spoke about "everything she's been through".

"Don't patronize me, Hana." She tsked then turned and marched upstairs with Furball.

She could hear her aunt trying to call her back, but she wasn't in the mood for her pity. Instead, Gwen rolled her eyes and made a beeline for the bathroom and shut her door behind her.

She set Furball in the sink and hummed to herself as she tried to decide whether Dove or Olay liquid soap would work better on rabbit fur. Because, as cute as he was, there was no way he would be sleeping in Gwen's bed unwashed.

Besides, how hard could it be to wash a rabbit?

After a moment, Gwen shrugged and poured both liquids onto a damp towel. She started to approach Furball with the wet rag, he sniffed the air and hissed when he caught a whiff of the citrus soap.

She raised a brow at the suddenly hostile creature and set the rag down, the hissing ceased. When she brought it back towards him, he started up again.


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