Chapter. 38 - Shenanigans In A Speedy Mart

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It wasn't until the next day that Gwen finally left her room again. She'd gotten tired of moping around and decided she needed to... medicate.

Opening her bedroom door, the brunette called out her aunt's name. When she got no reply she sprung into action, jogging downstairs and into the kitchen.

There on the fridge was a note.

Went to the store, I'll be back in a bit.

- Love Hana

P.s. No house parties! >:(

What a perfect opportunity, the brunette grinned to herself.

She opened the fridge and pulled out the wrapped up tinfoil she kept in the back. She peeled it open and inside was a stick of butter.

Cannabis butter.

She used to have to hide the stuff so much better when she was living with her parents, but Hana doesn't snoop. If Gwen asks her not to touch something she doesn't touch it.

Her blind trust in her delinquent niece was almost baffling.

The brunette took out all the ingredients she needed to make brownies and quickly got to baking. With any like she'd be able to enjoy her high for a good hour or so before Hana got back.


A ding came from the timer on the stove and Gwen put on a pair of Hana's pink oven mitts to take the chocolate-y treat out.

They smelt delicious.

She grabbed a knife and cut them into twelve squares. Just before she could take one a knock came from the door.

Gwen stared at the door for a moment in confusion before checking the time on her phone.


It was still early but the brunette had no clue who would come to visit at two in the afternoon on a Thursday.

When she opened the door she was greeted by Butters who clutched the straps of his backpack and bounced on the tips of his toes with a smile.

"Hey!" He beamed.

Gwen raised a brow questioningly.

"S-sorry, I just figured since you're still not feeling well, maybe I could come over and cheer you up." He offered, looking hopeful. "U-unless you're too busy- O-or not feeling up to it. Sorry for not calling ahead!"

The brunette couldn't help but breath a laugh at the blonde's panicking and shook her head. "It's fine." She said then stepped aside to let him in.

As Butters walked inside he got a good whiff of the sweet smell that filled the house and hummed in delight.

"Something smells good." That was when he noticed the brownies. He gasped. "You made brownies!?"

Just as he was about to ask for one, the doorbell rang again.

Gwen cursed under her breath. "Hold that thought."

She went to answer the door and was met with a grinning Kenny.

"Hey, Doll, saw your aunt drive by earlier, thought I'd drop by so we could hang while she's gone." He wiggled his brows at her. "Just the two of us."

"More like the three of us," She snorted and pointed off to where Butters stood in the kitchen. "Sorry but Butters beat you here."

The taller blonde shrugged, "Hey I don't mind an audience if you don't."

Gwen punched him in the shoulder then grabbed him by the hood of his parka and yanked him inside. "Get in here."

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