Chapter. 15 - Lunch Break

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"There they are!" Kenny yelled through the cafeteria's peaceful chattering pointing over to Stan, Wendy, and Gwen as they walked over to their lunch table with their trays.

Multiple heads turned to watch them walk across the cafeteria, the room was completely silent other than the handfuls of students quietly whispering to each other, their eyes flickering between Gwen and Wendy in confusion. Probably wondering why they weren't still at each other's throats.

"Gwen!" Butters jumped up from his seat and ran over to the brunette. She quickly set her tray down on the table just before he slammed into her chest trapping her in a tight hug.

"Butters, you are ruining my street cred," She grumbled in embarrassment but didn't push him away.

"I-i thought Mr. Mackey was gonna expel you for sure!" He whimpered as his hold on Gwen's waist tightened.

"Well, he didn't, so you can stop your sniffling," She rolled her eyes ruffling the shorter boy's hair with a light blush. "Please."

"Yeah, thanks to me." Wendy chimed in teasingly.

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you, Wendy." Gwen rolled her eyes playfully.

Butters slowly let go of her and wiped at his eyes before looking up at Wendy his big blue eyes looking admirably at her. "Really?"

Wendy's face flushed at the adorable look the blonde boy was giving her and she waved him off clearly flustered by the admiration.

"I just told Mackey the truth," She shrugged. "that the fight was my fault."

"Like hell it was!" Two tables over Bebe sat with her boyfriend and Wendy's other lackeys. She shoved her boyfriend's arm from around her shoulder and stood up from the lunch table marching over.

"Uh oh," Butters muttered and shuffled back to his seat knowing better than to try and intervene again.

"Girl, you are not telling me you're letting this bitch off the hook!" She fumed.

"Chill, Bebe," Wendy sighed. "It was just a misunderstanding, alright, we're good now."

"Good? Good!?" Bebe gaped as she glared at Wendy. "Look at what she did to my face, Wen!" The curly-haired blonde gestured angrily at the splint on her nose then at Wendy. "To you're face! Like hell, she's just gonna get away with that shit!"

"Careful there, Bebe, I might think you wanna go another round too," Gwen warned with a threatening smirk. She could see the girl tense for a moment before going back to her hostile demeanor her glare hardening as she turned to meet Gwen's gaze.

"Maybe I do."

"I'm getting real tired of you trying to start shit with me," The brunette tsked. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Me?" Bebe laughed humorlessly. "I'm not the one trying to come in here acting like I own the fucking place."

"Aren't you though?" Gwen cocked her head at her.

"Please, first you throw yourself at Stan like a desperate skank and now you think you can trick Wendy into letting you worm your way back in with the popular girls? How Pathetic." Bebe spat.

"You delusional."

"And you're a total cliche." The blonde crossed her arms and smirked. "What's next? You gonna start fucking one of the teachers for good grades?"

Gwen huffed out a laugh. "Unlike you, I don't need to stoop that low."

"No, of course not." She snarked. "The Chinese bitch has all the answers already."

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