Chapter. 54 - Lunch With The Enemy

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Gwen silently picked at her plate as the rest of the table chatted idly. The only other two not talking were Stan and Kyle, the ladder too preoccupied with glaring daggers at her and Stan to talk. And the former too busy avoiding both Kyle's glare and Wendy's questioning gaze as he stuffed the rest of his lunch in his mouth.

"Yo, Sweetheart!" A familiar voice called out across the room.

Gwen's stomach dropped. She turned her head and gasped when she spotted Nicholas waving her over to his table.

"Come over here!"

Her head snapped back to her friends who all stared back at her, equally as surprised. After the way they were chased out of his party, and the obvious volatile history between him and Gwen, the gang had prepared to be on the increasingly popular boy's shit list all year.

The lazy grin on his face as he waited for Gwen to get up told another story. Hesitantly, she rose from her seat and started to walk over. "I'll... be right back..." She muttered over her shoulder to her friends before she left.

She took a step towards Nick's table then another and another until she found herself standing before the grey eyed devil himself.

"Nick." She nodded.

He chuckled in amusement at her awkward formality electing a chorus of quiet laugher from the teens sat around him. He cleared his throat and they all went silent. In another life, his ability to command whole groups the way he did would've fueled her fantasies for weeks but now all she felt was annoyance towards the crowd of students who hung on Nick's every word.

He gestured to the empty spot on his left. "Take a seat." It wasn't a question. When she still hesitated, Nick placed his hand on the small of her back, making her tense as he guided her down onto the seat.

"Come on, sweetheart, you know I don't bite. At least, not outside the bedroom." He joked and, as the table laughed once again, Gwen frowned at the dirty memories that threatened to replay in her mind. She quickly pushed them away.

"Watch yourself." Someone hissed, shoving Nick's shoulder as they sat down beside him with their tray. Gwen peered around him to see Bebe cross her legs as she sat, dawning Nick's leather jacket.

"Just joking around, babe."

"Oh, Bebe, you're sitting here too." Gwen monotoned, giving her a once over. "Greeeat."

The blonde laughed bitterly and whipped her head to Gwen. "Trust me, this isn't exactly a picnic for me either, sweetheart." She reviled in the way the brunette flinched at her use of Nicholas's little nickname for her. "Why the fuck is she sitting here anyway?" She directed the last part at her boyfriend.

Gwen rolled her eyes. She was so tired of Bebe trying to tell her what she couldn't do and where she shouldn't be. Who the hell did she think she was, her mother? Maybe she should learn to mind her own fucking business.

"I could ask you the same question, bitch." She sneered. Bebe's eyes cut back to her with murderous intent.

"Now, now, ladies, no need to fight over me." Nick tutted putting a hand on either of their shoulders comfortingly. When they glared back at him, he laughed and held his hands up in surrender. "Kidding, kidding!"

Before Gwen could slap the smile right off his smug face, her phone buzzed. She quickly unlocked it, grateful for the distraction from Nick's stupid "jokes".

Wendy Roundhouse
Girl, what are you doing!?
Get back here before they attack!

Seen just now by Gal Pal 🫰

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