Chapter. 61 - Game Night

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She finally made it.

Walking past the school doors with Nick and his blonde friend as the sun set in the sky, she walked ahead of them out towards the bleachers where the rest of the student body were filing into their seats.

A one-hundred-yard-long football field stretched across the freshly cut grass where the school's team and cheerleaders were scattered out preparing for the game. Amongst them, Wendy stood out with bright purple ribbons tied in her hair unlike the rest of the team's white and grey ones.

Ketchup and Mustard, whose names were apparently Nat and Sally respectively, also stood on the field stretching.

Gwen moved to slide into one of the higher bleachers, where only the stoners and kids who'd rather be on their phones go to sit. When a hand pulled her back, she looked up at Nick questioningly. Whay was his deal? They always sat at the top. But his eyes moved to his blonde friend she understood. He was waiting for him to move in first.

Gwen still hadn't quite grasped his name. She'd been too busy Instagram stalking Nat and Sally for theirs. But he didn't look too pleased as he got Nick's silent message and slid down the bench first.

Then Nick sat down and patted the spot at the very end of the bleacher. Exclusively next to him, of course. That was the one real condition to his ticket offer, Gwen had to sit with him.

It was a small condition and, had it been anyone else, the brunette would've just snorted playfully at their tenacity and went along with it, seeing no harm. But this was Nicholas she was talking about. And even though she wasn't quite sure where they stood at the moment, that didn't mean she was eager for some more up close and personal time with him.

She was still reeling from their talk in the mall and their hug on the doorstep of her house. Their past was messy, and the future was confusing. All she could think about was this moment and, in this moment, she really wished she was sitting with her friends instead.

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she let her eyes scan the sea of teens still filing into the bleachers until she spotted four familiar bright colors in the crowd. Orange, Red, Blue, and Green. Her shoulders relaxed slightly. Just knowing they were here only a few feet away felt slightly comforting.

Her leg bounced anxiously as the crowd on the field took their positions. It'd been a long, long time since she was at one of these things. She might as well enjoy the show.

The cheerleaders ran around the field with the football team before the boys fell back to let the cheer squad take the spotlight. They fired up the crowd with their new cheers, chanting rhymes and calling out letters. She felt a sense of pride in having come up with a few of them while on call with Wendy as she went on and on about needing originality if she was going to beat Bebe for cheer captain this season.

The choreo was standard and she clapped along as they flipped and stomped to the beat until finally it was game time.

Ten minutes in, Gwen was incredibly bored. She was never much into sports, only ever going to games if she was cheering or her meathead or a boyfriend at the time needed her there for "good luck". But she wasn't cheering on the field, and there were barely any cute boys on the team to route for as far as she could tell through the faces of their helmets. So, her interest was less than peaked.

She choked on her bored sigh when she felt a hand on her leg. Her head snapped to Nick, but he just kept looking forward with that stupid self-satisfied look as be rubbed his thumb gently up and down her knee.

She flushed bright red and tried to push his arm away, but it stayed planted firmly where it was. When she tried again, he dug in his nails and gave her a familiar stern look from the corner of his eye. She let go of his hand immediately.

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