Chapter. 47 - Bunnysitter

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Gwen cursed to herself as she wandered aimlessly around the woods, still just close enough to the cabin to feel the music vibrating through the ground.

She sat down on the wooden stump of a nearby chopped down tree and buried her head in her hands.

She couldn't believe herself.

Kissing Stan.


And just when she and Wendy were starting to become friends.

The brunette was ready to pummel Gwen the moment she thought something happened between her and her boyfriend. What would she do now that something actually did?

She didn't even want to think about it.

She felt sick.

It wasn't that she was afraid of Wendy, as crazy as she was sometimes, but the thought of telling her what happened made Gwen's stomach flip nonetheless.

Guilt. That's what that was.

It'd been a while since she felt it.

It only worsened when Kenny appeared in the back of her mind wearing the most disappointed expression she'd ever had the displeasure of imagining.

She didn't even know if he'd actually care about the kiss. It wasn't like they were actually dating, and Kenny was a known player, after all. Maybe Gwen was just reading too deep into everything and it wouldn't even be a big deal to him. He probably wouldn't even care.

Still, he kissed her too. And she liked it. A lot.

Selfishly, a small part of her wanted him to be jealous. Just a little.

The thought of the blonde with a furious look in his eyes as he dragged Gwen away from Stan made her heart race and her panties damp.

As she berated herself for even thinking that, something brushed against her leg and made the brunette jump. She jerked away from whatever had touched her with a startled gasp then deflated immediately after she saw what it was.

The same pint-sized bunny that spooked Kenny in the woods, Gwen would know those fluffy ears anywhere, was now shivering in a ball at her feet whimpering in fear.

She knelt down and slowly reached out to the dark grey ball of fur while cooing softly. She gently stroked up the bridge of its nose then across its head and down its back, Gwen repeated this again and again until it finally stopped shaking.

"Shh, it's okay," she whispered soothingly as she scooped the bunny into her arms. "You're okay."

Its squeaks of distress slowly subside as she holds it close to her chest. And when she pulled back to take a proper look at the furball, a pair of big round eyes stared back at her, as dark as the night sky.

There wasn't a thought behind those eyes. Gwen couldn't help but coo at the tiny creature's dumb little face.

As she rubbed its long ears, a ping came from her phone. She pulled out her phone and opened it to find a new text.

Hey, doll, where'd you go?

When she didn't immediately answer another text quickly followed.

I'm sorry about the kiss
Well, no
I mean
I'm sorry if you didn't want me to
I'm sorry if I made you unfotorble
Sorry I'm a little drunk

Gwen chuckled softly at the blonde's fumbling before the guilt set in again.

Here Kenny was worrying about her and her feeling after she basically just made out with one of his best friends.

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