Chapter. 62 - Oh Paladin, My Paladin

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Gwen scurried down the bleachers fuming. What did she care if Nick went and found himself some other girl to torment. She didn't. If anything, she wished pity on the poor thing.

She didn't even want to continue giving it any more thought. It didn't matter. There were people in the brunette's life who actually gave a shit about her.

She made it to the bottom of the bleachers and finished her hotdog, contemplating locating a soda machine while she was near the concessions. A buzz from her phone stopped her in her tracks and then another and another and another. Stupid nosebleed section cellphone reception!

She quickly pulled out her phone and was attacked by an onslaught of texts.


Today 6:52pm

Dude, sneak away from your cling on already!
I miss my girl 😭🥺😫🙏🤲

Seen just now by Wifey💕


Today 7:02pm

Kyley B
I can see you from my spot
Why are you with Nickholas 👁️👁️ 🤢
*missed call*
Answer me now
*Missed call*

Seen just now by Gwenni C 💚


Today 7:22pm

King Fatass
*missed call*
Get your bitch ass down here

Seen just now by Cho 🐼


Today 7:35pm

My Paladin
gqeb !
Ge khn®️ 😹 😹🐸
HJgii @ !bh 8

Today 7:45pm

My Paladin

Let's play a little game bitch

Seen just now by My Queen👑


Today 7:50pm

Is Butters up there with you?

Seen just now by Gwendolyn💐


Today 7:59pm

My Paladin
It's a game of hide and seek

Seen just now by My Queen👑


Gwen's stomach dropped. Butters would never talk to her like that. She tried to call him, but his phone went straight to voicemail. She had a very bad feeling.

She swore out loud and whipped her head around for any sign of the short blonde but all she found were students lined at the concession or smoking near the bleachers. She started walking towards the crowded line.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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