Chapter. 27 - Kupa Keep

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Gwen came up upon a tall two story house with a matching garage shed both painted a bright shade of lime green that made her eyes sore.

Sitting on the brown porch was Butters, his head resting on his hand as he drew shapes into the snow with his gloved finger.

His eyes lit up when Gwen called his name giving her a wide smile that showed off the cute little gap in his teeth.

"Gwen!" He jumped up from his seat.

"Hey, Butters," Gwen ruffled his hair once she reached the steps. "Whatcha doing out here alone?"

"I-i was waiting for you."

The brunette smiled softly at the boy.

"D-do you, uh, like my costume?" He twirled around to let her get a good look.

He wore turquoise joggers under a matching long robe with the sides sewn, a yellow shield stitched in the center, and a thin brown rope tied around his middle. Upon his shoulders sat navy epaulets under his long blue cape paired with yellow rubber gloves he most definitely borrowed from his kitchen. And just under his hair was a gold headband with a red jewel. 

"Not bad." Gwen gave an impressed nod as she looked him over. "You make it yourself?"

He nodded. "M-my parents aren't, uh, really into this stuff, s-so they didn't wanna help."

Gwen could hear the sadness in his voice even though he tried to sound nonchalant.

"Well, I think you did a great job on your own," she said as she traced the intricate stitching of the shield on his chest. "Seriously, Butters, you look great."

The blonde flushed bright pink and smiled down at his blue sneakers unable to look her in the eyes as he thanked her.

"Y-you, uh, you look nice too."

"Yeah?" Gwen mimicked his little twirl.

She had taken one of Hana's church dresses, a long black sleeveless turtleneck dress, and sewn onto it an oversized hood that covered half of her face. As well as tore the sides of the dress all the way up to her thighs to show off the two handmade knife holsters tied around her legs over her midnight blue leggings. And around her waist was a black leather half-corset that matched her knee high boots and fingerless gloves.

"Yeah, uh, like a medieval ninja assassin." Gwen giggled at his description.

"Come on," He took her by the hand and led her inside the house. "The sessions about to start."

The interior of Cartman's house was modernly decorated in similar shades of brown and green. Definitely not the best looking house but it sure beat the sickeningly pink furniture in Hana's house.

"Well, hello there, Butters." A beautiful older woman in a turquoise sweater, and brick red trousers greeted the blonde as she stood beside the back door Butters was leading Gwen towards.

Her long brown hair, tied back in an old-fashioned bun, framed her face perfectly and showed off the simple pearl earrings dangling from her lobes. She gave the young pair a sweet, motherly smile as she held out a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies to them.

"And who might this little lady be?" She asked looking Gwen over curiously. "I haven't seen you around."

"I'm Gwen," The teen introduced herself while taking a cookie from the plate. "Gwen Cho."

"Oh, you're Gwen!" Her eyebrows raised at the name. "Eric's told me so much about you."

Butters must have noticed Gwen's confusion because he quickly leaned over and whispered. "S-she's his mom."

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