The game

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Joe walked through the door of his apartment in London. He lived in England ever since he was a little boy and he had always loved it there. There were some guys who he knew since college and they were still best friends. He was working as a manager of a big business and was busy with work most of the time but there was one thing missing in his life. Love.

Every evening when he came home from a long day at work, he wished that there was someone waiting for him. Someone who cared about him and loved him. His life seemed perfect to anyone who looked from the outside but the truth was that he was pretty lonely. His last relationship was almost 6 years ago. It didn't last long but it was a beautiful relationship he had with that girl. At this moments he wanted go back in time when he had someone to love.

He took of his clothes and took a quick shower before dressing into some more comfortable clothes. There was just silence in his apartment. Some yellow light came from the lamp on the table. He walked to the kitchen and looked into the fridge for some food. He almost ran out of food because he had no time to go to the supermarket so he just picked up a bottle of water and a bread. Joe sat down on the couch to eat his food and turned the TV on so it wasn't so quiet anymore. He didn't really was watching what was happening on the screen but he just wanted to have some sounds in this rooms. He slowly took a few bites from his bread and felt the desire to go to bed soon.

He looked up from his food and stroked his hair out of his face as he head a commercial for a new show on the TV. Normally he wasn't interested in these kind of shows but this time he looked up. He turned the volume up.

"You are tired of you life as a single? Then here is your chance to change your life. Come with us on a crazy journey to find your perfect soulmate and with a bit of luck and good strategy you can win a great price as well. Sounds good? Come to LA and get married to someone you don't know. Get to know each other in games and challenges and hopefully fall in love with each other. And all this is happening in a beautiful villa in the middle of Los Angeles with private suites and everything you want. Who can say no to that? If you want to start a whole new life just contact us under this address and with a bit of luck you will be in LA in the next month."

Joe didn't look away for a second. With every information he heard he got more interested in this show. He was the perfect man for this. When the address showed up on the screen Joe wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to be a part of this but on the other hand he wasn't sure if this is the perfect timing to find the love of his life. Will he be able to fall in love with someone on a TV show? What happens if not, he will be married to some woman who he didn't even love?

He took out his phone and photographed the address from the screen. He still wasn't sure what to do with it so he decided to just think about it later.

He lay in bed and still was thinking about this. He just couldn't stop. There was something so interesting about this. Even if it won't work and he won't find his true love there, it would still be an amazing experience for him and his life would finally get a bit more exiting.
Joe decided to call up one of his friends to ask him for advice on this. He answered the call a few minutes later but he didn't say anything.

"Hey Will, are you there?" Joe asked after not hearing any reaction.

"Joe what the hell? It is in the middle of the night. Why are you calling me?" Will was mumbling.

"I'm sorry but I just saw something on TV and I couldn't stop thinking about it so I need your help on this."

"If you saw any scary movie, it is your own fault. We both know that you can't sleep after watching these."

"No it wasn't a movie. It was a commercial for a show. Some kind of a dating show and I'm thinking about participating in it." Joe said.

"You in a dating show?" Will slightly laughed.

"Yeah, I mean you know how bad I want to find a girlfriend and this would be a good chance."

"What is this show even about?" Will asked.

"As far as I know you will get married to a woman that you don't really know and then there are some games and challenges in which you get to know each other." Joe explained.

"You will get married? Like for real?"

"Yes I'm also a little skeptical about this part." Joe admitted.

"What happens if you don't fall in love? You have to get through a full divorce."

"But it could also happen that I fall in love and then I'm already married to the woman I love." He tried to be optimistic.

"If you want to take this risk."

"That is why I called you. I don't know if I should do it."

"What should I tell you now? Personally I wouldn't do it but if you feel good about it and want to try it, go for it." Will said.

"So you think that I should do it?" He asked again.

"Do it. Maybe you really get someone who is right for you and you will finally get out of this loneliness."

"What do you mean with loneliness?"

"Joe, you need someone who lights you up again. You need a woman in your life or otherwise you will get more dark in the next years." Will laughed.

"Maybe I will find my light there."


"Okay I will let you know when I contacted them." Joe said.

"Good luck. Bye."

"Bye." He hang up the phone and decided to contact the hosts of the show the next day.

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