Play with me

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Every day Joe was scared of going into their room because he knew that she was about to seduce him again. He didn't want to sleep with her but he wasn't able to resist her. She knew exactly how to play with his feelings. She used the fact that he was in love with her to get sex. Joe knew that it was wrong but she was too good at it to resist it. She wanted him all the time and he wanted her too but in another way. That was the problem. He was madly in love with her while she was just interested in having sex with him.

He was on his way to the room in the afternoon when he came back from the pool. He was just wearing his shorts and no shirt because it was too hot outside. He stopped at the door for a second because he was a bit afraid of what was waiting for him inside this room. He slowly opened the door and looked inside. Taylor was laying on the bed being fully naked. She didn't react to him coming inside, she didn't even look up.

"What the hell? Why are you naked?" He said as he saw her. He knew exactly why she was naked and he couldn't deny that he enjoyed looking at her naked body. His eyes wander over her body and she finally looked up at him. She slightly smirked as she saw him checking her out.

"You can have all of this. Just come here." She said and lay on her back. Joe didn't say anything. It was already hard to resist at this point.

"Do you want this?" She breathed out and spread her legs. He gulped down as he looked directly between her legs. He wanted her so bad but he didn't want to give her that win so he decided to go for another way.

He sighed and pulled down his shorts. He was already completely hard just from looking at her. Taylor immediately smirked as she saw him pulling down his shorts. He didn't say anything so she wasn't able to get his plan. He will give her something but not what she wanted. Not all of it.

Joe went in the bed with her but instead of laying on top of her, he grabbed her body and turned her around so she was laying on his stomach. Taylor let him do what he wanted to do and he grabbed her hips. She slightly spread her legs while he knelt down behind her. Then he put his dick in his hand and rubbed the tip at her butt. He didn't enter her at this point but she was already quietly moaning.

"Play with me." She said and he did. He put his dick close to her core and let the tip touch it a bit so she breathed in. Then he took it away and rubbed it at her skin again. He knew that she was already wet enough to enter her but he wanted to toy around with her. He stroked her thighs with his fingers and lay them above her clit. There he moved them in a tiny move but not much. He didn't want to give her too much pleasure already. He continued with just rubbing his dick at her butt for a few minutes but to his surprise she hadn't complained once so he stopped.

He hold her hips up a bit more and then pushed his dick into her core. She moaned as soon as they made contact and Joe also groaned. He started to move harshly and also pushed her hips against his erection. She screamed out while he pumped inside her.

"Ah yes, fuck me as hard as you can, baby boy." She moaned out and he got confused by her way of talking for a second but he didn't really care about what she was saying. He continued with his movements and tried to go harder. He threw his head back a bit and groaned while he also enjoyed the sensation. He grabbed her butt with his one hand and squeezed it while hitting her core. She moaned out and he gave a little slap to her butt this time.

"Yes slap me daddy." She moaned. He got confused by her using the word daddy but he kind of liked it. He did what she said and slapped her again, harder this time. She moaned and he speed up the movements of his dick again. He continued pumping into her while slapping her butt a few times until he felt that she was getting closer to her orgasm. He slowed down a bit but still pushed his dick at her core. Her moans got louder by this time and her legs started give out. He hold her up and kept pushing until she was about to release her orgasm. He stopped moving and pulled out. He let her hips fall and lay down next to her.

"What are you doing? I was so close." She screamed in frustration as he pulled out.

"I know but I told you that I will never make you come again and I meant that." He said and then started to rub his dick with his hand to finish.

"I hate you so much Joe." She protested. Joe closed his eyes and rubbed himself faster. He imagined his hand to be Taylors and brought himself to his orgasm with that thought very fast. As he ejaculated he opened his eyes again and saw Taylor looking at him. After he was done she started to touch herself as well to finish herself. Joe didn't want to look at her while she was doing this so he turned his head to the side. She put her fingers inside her and moved them while moaning. She was already pretty close to her peak so it didn't take long until she screamed out loudly.

"Oh god, Joe." She screamed and grabbed his arm while still fingering herself. Joe had to look at her and saw her face while she screamed out. He smirked as he heard her screaming his name while she touched herself. She looked even hotter when she screamed like this and he wished that he could be the one who made her scream like this but he couldn't. Not as long as she continued to act like this. As she was finished she put out her finger and tried to catch her breath.

"So that is your plan now. You fuck me until I'm about to come and then you just stop?" She said with a frustrated voice.

"At least I fuck you. Isn't that what you want?" He snipped.

"I don't get what your problem is. You want to have sex with me too so why can't you just do it?"

"Because I want to have sex with you for another reason than you want to have sex with me." He said and raised his body from the bed.

"Why do you want to have sex with me then?"

"Because I love you. I'm so in love with you that I can't think of anything else. All the time you are on my mind. I just sleep with people who I have feelings for." Joe explained.

"You have feelings for me so you can sleep with me." She said.

"Yes but you don't have feelings for me. I know that you use me for sex and I hate you for that. You use the fact that I'm in love with you to get sex. Have you ever thought about how I'm feeling while you do that?" He was getting angry.

"You want me and I want you so when he have sex both of us get what we want."

"No you want me to just fuck you in a hard way to have fun but I want to have sex with you because I love you. I want to kiss you while we have sex but I can't do that because I know that you don't love me." He was screaming at this point.

"Why do you keep having sex with me then?"

"Don't act like you don't know it. Whenever I come here you are naked or you touch me or seduce me in any other way and you know that I can't resist you."

"See then it is your problem." She said.

"You don't get it. You just don't get it. How would you ever be able to get it when you are fine with using someone's feelings to get what you want? I hate the fact that you made me love you because normally I would hate you for what you are doing to me." He screamed and at this point she didn't say anything else. She kept quiet and Joe went out of the bed. He put on his clothes again and looked at her.

"What will you do now? Spread your legs again and beg me to fuck you or what?" He said.

"Maybe I should do that because I know that it works." She said. He shook his head and went to the door.

"Should I leave the door open? Maybe someone else wants to come and do my job." He said with a angry voice while opening the door.

"Do you really want another man to fuck me?" She smirked because she knew that he would get jealous. He breathed out and went out of the room. He closed the door behind him.

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