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They kept laying next to each other and while they stayed quiet Taylor started to realize what she just said. She looked over at Paul for a quick moment but immediately turned her head back.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled after a while.

"Can we just not talk about it." He said and went out of the bed. He put his clothes back on and Taylor did the same thing. She really wanted to leave this room because the situation was getting more awkward with every second.

She opened the door and wanted to go outside when she saw Joe passing by.

"Taylor?" He looked surprised as he saw her coming out of that room.

"Joe, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you that as well." He said.

"You are Joe?" Paul said as he saw Joe at the door.

"Yes and who are you?"

"I'm Paul and I guess your wife just cheated on you." Paul said.

"What? What is going on here?" Joe was completely confused. Taylor was to embarrassed to say anything so she just stood there and didn't move.

"Dude, I just fucked her." He said and laughed a bit. Joe looked at him and then at Taylor who was still looking at the ground.

"What?" Joe said even though he heard exactly what he said. He couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." Paul repeated.

"You had sex with him?" Joe screamed at Taylor.

"I don't know... I just needed sex and you were not able to give it to me so I took it elsewhere." Taylor finally spoke up.

"One thing you should know. I don't know what this is between you but maybe you really should fuck her again because she just screamed out your name while I fucked her." Paul said at Joe and know it was clear that he was hurt.

"I can't believe this." Joe laughed at Taylor.

"So this is what you do now? You just go around here and have sex with any guy to make me jealous?" He said.

"I didn't sleep with him to make you jealous. I slept with him because I needed it for myself." She screamed.

"I'm also here." Paul spoke up.

"I told you it was a one time thing." Taylor said at him.

"Yeah I know but that still doesn't change the fact that you moaned out another mans name while we had sex." Paul said.

"Did you enjoy it?" Joe asked at Paul.


"Did you enjoy fucking the woman that I love?" He repeated with a louder voice.

"I did." Paul said and with that he made Joe angry enough to push him in the room. Joe pushed him back against the wall.

"Woah woah, dude calm down. It isn't my fault. She asked me." Paul tried to defend himself but Joe didn't listen.

"Still you choose to have sex with her even though she isn't your wife." Joe screamed and hold up his hand to punch him in the face. Seconds before he punched Paul in the face Taylor suddenly spoke up and stopped him.

"Joe please wait. It's not his fault, it's mine." She said with a weak voice. Joe turned around and looked at her while taking down his fist.

"Then tell me why you keep doing this?"

"I have feelings." She said.

"Wow, I'm glad that you have feelings." Joe frowned at her and walked past her to leave the room. He pulled her out of the door and closed the door of the room leaving Paul in there.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"He doesn't need to hear this conversation."

"Can we go into our room?"

"Fine." He agreed and they went into their own room to talk. Joe closed the door behind them and Taylor sat on the bed. She looked at him like she expected him to sit next to her but he kept standing in front of her.

"I don't understand why you did that." Joe started while shaking his head.

"I didn't enjoy it, just for you to know." She couldn't look him in the eyes while saying this.

"That makes it better." He said being sarcastic.

"I just wished that it was you."

"But it wasn't me." His voice got a bit louder.

"I just imagined that it was you." She said and still didn't look up at him.

"I don't want to hear about that!" He yelled to stop her from talking.

"I don't want to hear about how another man fucked my wife! You are my wife! And I love you!" He screamed at her. It was the first time that he said it in that way but when he looked at her he could see that she was totally overwhelmed by his loud voice.

"I'm sorry, Joe." She whispered while her voice broke more with every word that she said. She never apologized to him before.

"I don't understand what you want." He said.

"I don't know what I want. Whenever you are around I feel things that I have never felt before, with anyone." Taylor said and for the first time in their conversation she looked up at him. He saw that her eyes were teary and how broken she looked. Now he felt bad for yelling at her.

"What do you mean? What feelings?" He came a step closer to her.

"I don't know. I don't know these feelings but I want you to be around me all the time. I have this constant wish to be with you." She said and a tear fell from her ear. Joe sat next to her and laid his hand on het shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Because I feel like every one hates me here." She started sobbing. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.

"That is not true. I don't hate you." He tried to calm her down.

"But you should hate me. I was so mean to you, I used you and I slept with another guy." She cried out.

"And still I don't hate you." He whispered.

"I will never use you again, I promise." She said.

"I will never yell at you again." He said and kissed her head. He expected her to say something about it but she just stayed quiet.

It was the first time that a conversation didn't ended with someone leaving the room. It ended with a kiss.

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