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His decision was being made. He will go to LA and will be part of a TV show to marry some random woman.

There was not much time after he made his decision because he had to fly to LA in a week for the filming. Joe really was looking for to do this now but there was still a part in his brain that told him to be careful with this idea. There were two options. Finding his true love or getting married to a woman that he will never be able to love. This fear was a constant part of his thoughts even on his flight to LA.

He stayed in a hotel for one night before the show started at the next day. This was the last normal night before his life would change forever. Whether it was in a good or a bad way. Joe really had a hard time getting some sleep. He turned form one side to the other the entire night because he was so nervous about the next day. He used to like surprises but all of this previous joy he had for this was gone now. He only was terrified of this experience. He wondered if he was the only one who felt that way. Maybe no one comes to that show to fall in love. There is also a lot of money that comes when you win this show. That gave at least one good reason to try working together with the woman he will marry tomorrow. A weird thought. He will be married tomorrow.

The next day came and Joe got ready to leave for the show. A taxi was waiting for him outside the hotel. The show took place in a mansion in the Hollywood hills. It was an one hour drive until they reached the house. A really big white house. Surrounded by green trees and flowers. Many cars were standing in front of the house and some cameras were already outside the house. He got out of the car and stopped to just look at everything. Everything looked so glamorous like he was in a completely new world.

He went into the house and slowly wandered through the big hallway. There were many doors at both sides but he was sure that he wasn't allowed to even open one of them. He looked up at the ceiling. It was golden with some pattern. As his eyes were at the ceiling while he was walking he didn't see where he was walking. Suddenly he ran against someone. He immediately looked down and saw a woman standing in front of him.

"Watch where you're going." She shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." He tried to apologize but there was still this evil look on her face.

"Yeah I saw that. Not very gentleman like." She said at him with a snippy voice.

"I'm a gentleman."

"Yeah I don't see that but who cares." She said.

"What is your name? My name is Joe." He tried to make the situation any better but it didn't seem to work since her face didn't change a bit.

"I don't care about your name and I don't think that you have to know my name because you seem to be a terrible person."

"What? With respect but you don't know me Miss." He was getting a bit angry by this time. She was such an arrogant person.

"I think I know enough about you." She hissed at him.

"And the button of your shirt is open." She said and pointed at his shirt. He looked down and she was right. He quickly buttoned it.

"That was on purpose." He lied.

"Sure it was." She said with a sneering laugh.

"I hope we won't see each other again." He said as he finally moved on.

"Me too." She yelled after him. He shook his head and tried to get clear after that meeting. What a horrible woman. Hopefully she wasn't part of this and there was no chance that he has to see her again or even the worst to marry her.

Joe was led to a room where all the men were staying until it was decided who will marry which woman. It felt weird to stay there and know that someone else will decide who will get married to whom in a few minutes.
A young man sat next to him after a bit of time.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"No." Joe said but he knew that this was a lie.

"Well I am. I'm so nervous, I couldn't sleep the entire night." The guy said.

"Actually I'm nervous too."

"I think we all are. What is your name?"


"My name is Colin. I'm from Wales." He said.

"Oh I'm from England. We kind of live in the same era."

"Looks like it. Have you been married before?" He suddenly asked.

"Oh no, you?" Joe asked back.

"No but I have a girlfriend for 3 years." He said and Joe looked at him with a surprised face.

"What? You have a girlfriend?"


"And she is okay with you getting married to another woman in a show?" He asked again.

"Yes we spoke about everything. She said as long as I'm not having sex with her it's okay and if we win we will have enough money for our future." He explained.

"But you have to divorce after this is over."

"That won't be a problem." Colin said.

"What if the woman falls in love with you?" Joe asked.

"I don't think that anyone here will fall in love with their spouse." He laughed a bit.

"Really?" Joe asked but before Colin could say anything else the conversation got interrupted by a man coming into the room.

"Alright boys, its time to meet your wives now so please follow me and no talking please." He said and led the into a big hall. They have to stand in a line next to each other. Everything was silent. No one said a word.
A door opened and all the woman came into the room. Joe looked at all of them and suddenly he saw the woman, who he ran against, walking in. She was also part of this. The women stood on the opposite side and went silent too.

"I will pick up a name from this bowl and from this bowl so we have our couples." A man announced and pointed at one bowl with the names of the men and one bowl with the names of the women in it. He always started with the woman and she stood in the middle waiting for the man that was choose for her.

"Miss Taylor Swift." He announced and a woman came in the middle. Tall, long blonde hair tied in a bun, red lipstick. This was the woman from the hallway. He ran against her.

"And..." the man put his hand in the bowl with the men names. Joe was hoping so hard that he would say any name but his. He didn't want to marry that woman.

"Mister Joe Alwyn." He hold up the card with his name on it.

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