Someone new

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Joe was very happy when the night was over and they could finally spend some time apart from each other.

"Luckily this night is over now." He sighed.

"Lucky for you, you didn't came near me." She immediately snapped at him. He rolled his eyes.

"You say that I shouldn't touch you so often that I almost believe you want me to touch you."

"No I would never ever let you touch me. Only in your wildest dreams." She stepped back.

"You are definitely not in my wildest dreams. Rather in my nightmares."

"I scare you? Poor, Joey boy." She faked a caring voice and laughed at him.

"Stop calling me that." He shouted at her.

"Joey." She repeated with a smirk. He really tried to control his anger but she almost made it impossible.

"Or Joey boy?" She chuckled. She really enjoyed how he was burning inside and his face got more angry. He did a step closer to her and grabbed her wrist with a strong grip.

"Stop calling me baby names." He hissed at her while still holding her arm. She lay her head to the side and bit her lip.

"Did I offend you? Or your ego?"

"My ego doesn't crash from a woman who has no pride." He frowned at her.

"Take your damn hands away from me." She yelled and pulled back her arm aggressively so his hand let go. He looked at her with eyes like slits.

"I can't be in this room with you anymore." He said and shook his head. She made him furious with every single thing that she did. He just left the room and went into the lobby of the house. He couldn't handle the feelings that he got from her anymore and just wanted to be alone.

Joe looked around a bit. There were some people in the kitchen and some outside on the veranda. Most of them with their parents. They looked like they made a good team. Chatting, eating together, one couple even hold hands already. Joe was just jealous when he saw that. That was exactly what he wanted to have here. Someone who he could spend time with, someone who shared his interest. Just someone with whom he wants to spend time with. Instead he was together with a woman who hated him and he felt the same about her. Hate.

He went into the kitchen and just picked up some water from the fridge and an apple. He didn't talk to any of the people who were there because he just wanted to be alone for a moment. Then he went outside and looked for a place to sit alone. He knew that there were some couches behind the house so he went for that place. Joe didn't expect to find anyone there since he thought that everyone was in the kitchen but he saw a woman there. She was sitting on the couch, her arms leaned on her knees and her chin on her hands. She looked quite sad or disappointed. He spend a moment looking at her closer. She had light skin, looked like she was small, light blonde hair that almost looked like they were silver. He thought about just leaving and searching for another place but she looked too sad to just let her sit there.

He slowly stepped closer to her and she looked up at him. He could see her green eyes looking directly into his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He slightly asked and stopped coming closer.

"No actually I'm not." She said and she didn't sound like she wanted him to leave so he decided to sit down next to her.

"What happened?" He asked her again. She looked at him and she looked happy about his question.

"It's just that I don't really like my husband, you know." She sighed and Joe immediately related to that sentence. He felt the same. Finally someone felt the same.

"You know what?" He started.


"I feel exactly the same. I don't like my wife either. To be honest I hate her." He admitted.

"Really? You hate her?" She asked.

"Yes, she just makes me angry with everything she said. When we first met, I ran against her and I just wanted to apologize to her but she screamed at me immediately. I just can't imagine to live with her."

"I know that. I don't think that I hate Mark but I definitely don't like him. We have so different options on simply everything so in our first night together we just fought." She told him. All the time while she was talking, Joe wasn't able to move his eyes away from her. There was something capturing about her.

"I just had another fight with Taylor so I wanted to go outside and be alone. That is why I came back here." He smiled a bit.

"I can leave if you want to be alone." She said.

"No, you were here first and I really enjoy your company. You are the first person who feels the same as me." He said and she laughed. The first time he saw her smile and she had a cute smile.

"I really enjoy your company too...?" She said trying to get his name.

"Joe. My name is Joe."

"My name is Amelia." She told him her name as well and he immediately saved it in his memory. He wanted to save her in his memory.

"That is a beautiful name. Where are you from?"

"I'm British but I lived in New York for the past 5 years." She said and Joe payed more attention to her voice. He loved the sound of her voice.

"I'm British too. I'm from London."

"Ahh that is where I was born." Amelia said.

"Sorry for changing the topic but is that a Game of Thrones tattoo on your wrist?" He suddenly asked since he had checked out her body while she was talking.

"Oh yes, these are the three dragons. I love that show." She said.

"Me too. Its my favorite show ever. Who is your favorite character?" He asked her and she didn't seem to be bothered by that suddenly nerd talk.

"I really like Jon Snow like you know he is pretty hot but my favorite character is probably Daenerys."

"You almost got her hair color." Joe laughed referring to her silver hair.

"Yes, your right. Do you like her?"

"I do but I hated her ending and how she changed in the last season. I rather like Theon." Joe told her.

"Oh yeah he is also really cool. Do you think that Daenerys belongs with Jon?" She asked him.

"They looked amazing together but he was her nephew so I don't think that they are a good couple but I loved Daario for her." Joe said.

"That is exactly my opinion." Amelia said with a smile and he laughed too.

"You know what? You would be a far better husband than Mark is." She said.

"And you would be a far better wife than Taylor is." He said and he meant that. Amelia was exactly what he wanted. Someone who understands him, nice, sweet and caring. She was perfect.

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