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When he woke up after the night after they had sex, Taylors was already awake. Joe needed a few minutes to get his head clear, she was completely naked and laid on her stomach. He gave a quick glance at her body before looking up again. He looked down his own body and saw that he was wearing his shorts but no shirt. They haven't talked about what happened between them

"Will you take on your clothes again?" He asked her and wasn't sure what answer he wanted to hear from her. She raised her head and looked into his eyes.

"No." She just said and slightly smirked at him. Joe sat up with his back against the headboard of the bed. He continued looking at her body while there was a moment of silence again.

"Maybe we should talk about what happened last night." Joe suggested even though he knew how much both of them enjoyed every single second of that night. She didn't say anything and raised her body from the bed. Now Joe was able to see all of her. His eyes immediately went down and he looked at her naked breasts. She saw his eyes at her body and smirked at him. Slowly she sat up and then climbed on top of him. She sat down on his lap and placed her hands on his shoulders. He breathed in as he felt her sitting on him being fully naked.

"Let's not talk about it now." She said and then she kissed his neck. A quiet moan escaped from him as he felt her soft lips at his skin. He closed his eyes and let her place a few more kisses at his neck. His one hand was laying on her thigh and he slowly ran his fingers over her skin.

"We need to talk." He said again but he was still moaning from her kisses.

"Are you sure that you want to talk now?" She whispered and pressed her body against him. She moved up a bit so her breasts were right in front of his face. He looked at her nipples and saw how hard they were. She wanted him and he wanted her too. He didn't want to allow this feeling but he also couldn't hold it back. Last time he insisted it but this time she was the one who clearly wanted to have sex.

"Now?" He asked and gave a sloppy kiss to her breast. She breathed out and let her hand sink.

"Do you want to wait?" She said and her hand made contact with his dick through the fabric of his boxers. He groaned as he felt her hand there. He wasn't able to resist her and this time he took her full nipple into his mouth. While he sucked at her nipple and moaned she moved her hand inside of his boxers. Joe bit her nipple as her hand wrapped around his dick. She moaned from his bite and he moaned because of her touch. She began to move her hand up and down inside his shorts. Joe stopped kissing her and looked down at her hand. He deeply groaned. Her hand felt so good like this. He continued watching her hand and let his fingers explore her body.

After a few more movements from her hand, his dick became completely hard and she pulled down his boxers completely so he was naked too. She looked down on his hard erection and smirked at him. Joe wasn't able to say anything since she had already pleased him so much with her hand. Taylor hold on to his neck and raised her hips a bit. She let her hips sink on his lap again while letting him enter her fully. He groaned and immediately hold on to her hips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she started to move up and down on his lap. He threw his head back as he felt that. He never had sex like this before but this felt so much better than being on top. He watched her breasts bouncing with her movements and she started to moan too.

"How do you like that?" She breathed out and speed up a bit.

"Don't stop." Was everything he was able to say before letting out a deep moan. She grinned and continued while running her hand through his blonde hair. He leaned his head forward and pressed his face against her chest. She moved a bit closer to him while she didn't stop going up and down for one second. He felt everything of her and that made him shiver. He never knew that he needed her in this way.

"Fuck, Taylor." He moaned out. She got turned on by hearing him moaning her name with his British accent. She speed up once again and Joe felt his orgasm coming.

"Ah fuck yes." He screamed out and threw his head back. She watched him how he reached his peak and felt his juice inside her. He groaned until he was finished and she remained on his lap. He was still inside her and was trying to catch his breath while she looked down on him with a satisfied smile. Then she moved her hips up and his dick slid out of her. She climbed down from his lap and lay next to him in the bed again.

"Wait, you didn't finish." Joe protested as she went down from him.

"It's okay, I'm fine." She just said while also being out of breath.

"No you're not. I will make you come." He said and lay down too. She sighed and let him do what he wanted to do. He immediately went down on her.

"Spread your legs." He said with a breathy voice.

"Fingers or tongue?" He looked up at her with a smirk. She laid her head back and spread her legs wide.

"Both." She joked but he took it serious. He put his fingers inside her and moved them while she was screaming. It didn't take long until she was about to reach her orgasm.

"Yes, I'm so close." She screamed and that was his sign to pull out his fingers. Before she could say anything about it he entered her with his tongue. She hold on to his hair while he started to lick her.

"I should have let you fuck me from the beginning." She moaned but she actually didn't even realized what she just said. Joe just continued with his actions between her legs. He just needed a few seconds until she reached her peak.

"Ohhh Joeee!" She screamed out and he began to smirk while still spinning his tongue inside her. He licked all of her juices and then took out his tongue. She closed her legs and Joe moved up to lay next to her. He looked over at her being totally out of breath and waited until she stabilized her breathing.

"Should we talk now?" He asked as she had calm down a bit.

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