Money? Love?

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The show was almost over. The last few days felt completely different than all the time before. Since Taylor had let her true feelings in she really enjoyed the time here. At this point she didn't want the time to end.
When she opened her eyes this morning she knew it was going to be the last morning like this. She felt Joes arm laying on her hips as she slowly turned around trying not to wake him up. She looked at him as his hair fell into his face and his mouth was slightly open. She already knew how much she will miss waking up next to him. In this moment her mind took her back to the day when she ran against him before the show and how mean she was to him in that moment. Looking back on it she was pretty sure that she already was catching feelings for him pretty early but she had always tried to push them away.

Suddenly Joe started to move his arm and mumbled something inaudible. She looked down at his face with a smile and watched his eyes slowly open. His eyes met hers and a smile appeared on his face. He turned his head to the side to escape her eyes for a short moment while laughing.

"Morning." She mumbled with her voice still being pretty raw.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Was the first thing that he said and turned his head to face her again.

"No reason." She laughed and laid her hand on his chest.

"I like your voice." He chuckled at her husky voice in the morning.

"Oh I know you do." She bit her lip and stroked his hair out of his face before leaning over his face.

"I don't want this to end." She whispered as she was close to his face.

"What do you mean?" He said even though he knew what she meant.

"Waking up with you and being around you all the time. I'm afraid of how I'm going to feel when we are not at the same place all the time."

"You think that your feelings will change?" He asked and there was concern in his voice.

"I don't know. I never felt so strong about anyone so I don't know how this all works."

"Well I can't tell you how it works either."

"Wow thank you." She laughed and kissed his cheek.

"But we can at least enjoy the time now." He smiled. Joe grabbed her hips and turned them to the side so he was laying on top of her body. He pinned her hands next to her head on the bed and slowly leaned over her letting her feel his body at hers.

"Don't tease me now." She said but she actually enjoyed him doing what he did in that moment. He just bit his lip and lowered his head more. He stayed in that position just a few millimetres away from her lips and looked into her eyes. She felt her heart racing as she felt his eyes at her body. When she wasn't able to resist anymore Taylor did a quick move up and clung her lips to his. She laid her head back down and Joe went along with her going down as well. They lips didn't left each other. Joe let go from her arm and hold her hips instead. They broke the kiss and continued looking into each other's eyes.

"I wish we could freeze this moment." She whispered.

"It would be pretty cold to live in a frozen moment." Joe joked and Taylor playfully hit his chest.

"You are such an idiot." She laughed.

"Well you are still here with me so it shouldn't be a problem if I was an idiot." He went down a bit and gently kissed her neck.

"Mhmm." She mumbled since his kiss felt too good to answer with words. He kept kissing her neck. As a soft moan escaped her lips she felt how he chuckled and looked up at her.

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