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He stumbled around in the house for a few minutes to get his head clear. The situation that just happened with Amelia was something that came completely unexpected. He thought that she was the one that he was falling in love with and he still liked her but not in the way he liked Taylor.

After a while he decided to go back to their room to see Taylor. He opened the door and found her inside the room reading something on her laptop. She looked up at him. He was completely out of breath and looked around in the room hectic.

"What happened to you now?" She laughed as she saw him like this.

"Nothing. I'm fine." He said but he wasn't fine at all. She stood up and walked up to him.

"Have you kissed that girl again?" She asked while turning her head to the side. He knew that she was trying to provoke him but this time it didn't annoy him. It turned him on.

"No." He shortly replied.

"What if I would tell you that I kissed another man as well?" She said.

"No you didn't." He shook his head, hoping that she was laying. Now he was jealous.

"I did. Someone who is far more handsome than you are and I let him touch and kiss me." She whispered. It made him crazy how she was trying to make him jealous.

"Stop it, Taylor." He tried to shut her.

"Why? Are you jealous?" She came closer and her face was just millimeters away from his. He was able to feel her breath at his lips already. Joe didn't answer her question.

"I made you jealous, huh." She slightly laughed and he grabbed her hand.

"Stop talking." He hissed at her.

"Or what?" She smirked and in this moment it was too much for him. He couldn't hold back anymore and rushed forward to kiss her lips. He expected her to pull back but she didn't. She even kissed him back like she waited for this to happen just as much as he did.

"I want you." He mumbled inside her mouth. She stopped kissing him and grinned at him instead. She slowly took off his shirt and looked at his naked chest. He then picked her up and carried her to the bed. On the way he started to kiss her again and gave several bites to her lip. He threw her on the bed and she looked up at him. He was still standing in front of the bed. His hand slowly wandered down to his pants. He opened his belt and then the buttons of his jeans. Taylors eyes didn't leave his hands for one second. She watched every move that he made like she waited until he pulled down his pants. Firstly he pulled down his jeans and was just standing in front of her in his boxers. She was breathing with her mouth open which made her look even hotter. She didn't make one move and waited for him to pull his boxers down too. He slowly pulled it down and threw it away now standing in front of her being completely naked. Her eyes immediately went down on him as he took off his boxers.

Joe looked down on himself and then back at Taylor seeing how she enjoyed the view. Neither of them said a word and Joe just smirked at her. He stepped close to the bed and climbed on top of her body. He didn't let much time pass and started to take off her clothes as well. He felt how her hands were running over his body while he took off her shirt and her bra. He kissed her chest and made his way down to her pants with kisses. Before opening her pants he looked up at her and grinned.

"You are so damn slow, Joe." She sighed and laid her head back.

"Shut up." He chuckled and opened her pants. He pulled down her jeans and her underwear at the same time. He threw it away from the bed and moved up to hover over her again.

"And now?" He asked at her with a breathy voice. She grabbed him behind the neck and pulled him down. She clung to his lips and kissed him.

"Now fuck me." She said as she pulled back from his lips.

"You want this?" He smirked and pointed at his erection.

"Will you give it to me?" She whispered.

"Not yet." He said and let his hand run down her body. He caressed her inner thighs and she immediately spread her legs. His fingers were close to her sensitive part. She already closed her eyes as she felt his fingers there.

"I hate you." She breathed out but he knew that it wasn't true. His finger was close to enter her.

"Do you hate this too?" He asked as he suddenly pushed his finger into her core. She moaned out and he began to move his finger. He looked at her face and how she tried to hold back her moans.

"Is this good? My fingers inside you?" He breathed out while she couldn't hold back her screams. She let out a deep moan and he pushed his finger inside her deeper.

"I want your dick." She said between her screams. He smirked at her words. Her dirty words turned him on more.

"You are already so wet that I could fuck you with my hard dick right now." He whispered and she gasped.

"Then do it already." She screamed as he moved his finger faster.

"Let me finish you first." He breathed out and speed up the pace of his finger moving in and out of her core. She groaned deep and then grabbed his arm as she was about to reach her climax. She threw her head back and screamed. Joe kept moving his finger and watched her face while she reached her orgasm.

After she was finished, he pulled out his finger. He moved up and looked at her face. While looking her straight into the eyes, he put his finger into his mouth and licked her juice from it. She breathed out as she saw that hot action from him.

"Now put your dick inside me." She grinned and spread her legs. He looked between her legs and licked his lips. Then he laid on top of her and hold up one of her thighs.

"You know what? I hate you so much for making me jealous like this but you are so hot that I can't think of anything else than fucking you now." He whispered into her ear.

"Then show me how much you hate me." She breathed out and he grabbed her hand. He pinned her hand next to her head and then he finally pushed his dick inside her. She moaned and he also groaned in pleasure. He immediately started to pump into harshly and she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him more inside her. She scratched her nails into his back while she felt the tip of his dick at her G-Spot.

"Yes, right there." She moaned out as he hit that spot. He lowered his head and breathed against her neck. He moaned and her body was shivering while he kept hitting this spot inside her. She put one of her hands in his hair and hold on to his hair. She never felt that much pleasure during sex ever before.

"You're so good." She screamed out.

"Say it. You wanted me to fuck you like this from the beginning." He said and kissed her neck.

"No but I want you to go harder on me now." She mumbled. Joe followed her words and speed up again. He touched her breasts and gave a strong squeeze to it while he groaned in pleasure.

"I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk tomorrow." He continued pumping while talking dirty to her.

"So you can't leave this room tomorrow and I can fuck you again." He said and bit her neck.

"Don't stop." She moaned and he kept pumping. He kept moving until she got close to her orgasm. She screamed out his name as he did a last deep push and she reached her peak. Her legs let go from his hips and she breathed out heavily. Joe remained inside her still for a short moment before he did a few fast pushes again. He did some tiny fast moves until he came inside her. He groaned into her neck and she caressed his hair while he ejaculated inside her.

He pulled out a few minutes later and she closed her legs again. He fell down next to her in the bed and she looked at the ceiling being totally out of breath. Joe also was trying to catch his breath.

After a while she sat up and put some of her clothes back on. She also handed him his boxers so he could get dressed. They were laying next to each other but neither of them was able to say a word about what just happened. It was too overwhelming.

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