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Joe felt better since he met Amelia. He finally found someone who was on his wave. She shared his interests and his opinions. At this point he just wished that he would have been married to Amelia instead of Taylor. He knew that the first game was planned in the afternoon and he needed to go back to his room before that. Everyone had to be in their rooms before the game would start because then the cameras will turn on again. He didn't want to go there because he knew that he will just fight with Taylor again and she will try to provoke him all the time.

He opened the door and looked inside. He couldn't see Taylor so he checked the bathroom as well but she wasn't there. Seemed like she wasn't in the room already. He used that time without her to change his clothes and cleaned his face a bit.

As he sat on the bed, the door opened and Taylor came in. She didn't say anything and just gave him an annoyed look.

"Where were you?" He asked her.

"I don't have to tell you where I was and also I could ask you the same."

"I was outside and ate something." He said. She just came in and went to the bathroom as well.

"Remember that we need to be a team today." Joe told her. She looked at him and quietly laughed.

"That is going to be the real challenge."

"Just for one hour. We can hate each other after that."

"I hate you at every second." She snipped at him.

"Same." He just replied and their conversation was over.

Later they went outside to go to the first game. It was a course with several obstacles to get over. Ever couple stood together at the beginning. Both of them needed to go through a part alone and at the end they needed to go through the last part together.

"The time will stop when you kiss behind the finish line." The announcement ended. Joe looked at Taylor and she looked at him. Not a kiss again.

"Why is it always about kissing?" She said with a annoyed face.

"Because this is a dating show."

"I don't want to kiss you."

"I don't want to kiss you either but you promised to play along." He reminded her and she sighed.

"Fine but just a very short kiss."

"Trust me I don't want to kiss you any second too long." He laughed and she just turned away. He searched through the other people until he spotted Amelia standing next to Mark a few meters away from them. He couldn't stop looking at her for one second. Mark on the other hand didn't look at her once. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked at the course in front of them. Taylor saw how Joe looked at Amelia the entire time and punched his arm. He immediately turned to the side and looked at her with a angry face.

"Stop staring and focus on the game." She whispered at him in a sharp tone.

"I am focused." He said even though he knew that he wasn't. His eyes came back to Amelia for a short moment until the speaker told them to go to the starting point. Joe started with the first part and waited for the starting sign.

"Let's go." The speaker shouted and all the men started to run. He started to climb over a few things and then jumped over some stones. He looked at both sides and saw that he was in the first place. He speed up more and jumped into a small pool right before the ending. He could already see Taylor standing and waiting for him.

"Hurry up." She screamed at him which made him slightly angry again. He reached her and she immediately started to run. While she was going through the same course as he was going through before, he went to the next check point to wait for her to do the final part together. While the women were running through the course he looked at Amelia again. He got lost so much that he almost didn't recognize Taylor running up to him.

"Go go go." She yelled and ran towards him. He followed her and they had to crawl under a net. After that they went though some kind of a slalom thing together. Their bodies came really close while doing this.

"Don't come so close." She whispered at him.

"I can't. There is no space." He said and they continued. As they were on their way to the finish line, it was pretty clear that they will win this game. They ran the last meters until they crossed the finish line. After that they shared a really quick kiss. Both of them kept their eyes open and it was just a second where their lips actually touched each other.

"Taylor and Joe won. They'll get one point." The speaker announcement and the other couples came into the finish as well. Joe watched how Amelia and Mark arrived too and shared their kiss. It was the same kind of kiss that he shared with Taylor. Just a meaningless quick kiss that happened because they had to. Joe still had to look away as he saw that.


In the evening they were in their room together. They both took a shower after the game. Joe hadn't seen Amelia since the game. He was thinking about what she was doing the entire time. Suddenly he felt like he should ask Taylor something.

"You really have never been in love?" He asked at her while she was laying next to him in the bed.

"What? I don't have to talk about that with you and I don't want to." She replied.

"Are you a virgin then?" He laughed a bit while saying this.

"Why do you want to know that? Because you want to be the first one to fuck me?" She rolled over and faced him. He didn't answer her question.

"Are you a virgin?" She also asked him.

"No, of course not."

"Then why do I have to be one?" She said.

"Are you?" He asked again wanting to annoy her.

"Fuck off." She turned around again. She couldn't see the smile on his face. He sighed and went to sleep while she was moving away from him as far as she could.

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