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Taylor and Joe came back to their room after the first game and almost in the minute that they entered the room, the laptop started to ring and someone was calling per FaceTime. Taylor walked over and looked at the name on the screen. Her dad.

"I helped you with the game now you have to help me." She turned around and looked at him. Joe had no idea who was calling or what she was talking about.

"It is my dad. You promised to help me with him." She said again.

"Oh yeah, right. What should I do?" He remembered their deal.

"I will talk to him first and then I will call for you and you will just tell him how you are in love with me and so on." She said.

"I will try to." He said even though he actually didn't want to say anything like this. He wasn't in love with her. Not even a bit.

Taylor accepted the call and Joe hide in the door so her father wouldn't see him.

"Hey, Taylor." Her dad said.

"Hi dad."

"How is it going? Did you met someone good? How is your husband?" He asked with an expecting smile on his face. He was clearly waiting for her to tell him how she met the most amazing man there.

"His name is Joe. He is actually amazing. I never thought that but I think I fell in love." She said and both Taylor and Joe knew that she was laying in this moment.

"That makes me so happy to hear. Where is he? Is he there?" Her dad asked and Taylor turned around to look at Joe. She smiled because she had to. He never saw her smile like this before.

"Joe, can you come here? My dad is on the phone." She called and this was his sign to step behind her.

"Hello." He greeted her dad and for a short moment Taylor leaned her head back and looked up at him. It was the first time that he ever found her cute.

"This is the man that stole my daughters heart." Her father smiled at him.

"I think I did." He just said and lay one of his arms around her chest from behind.

"And what about you? You like her too?"

"I love her." Joe said. He lowered his head at the side and kissed her cheek. It felt wrong. This felt wrong in so many ways. To say that he loved her, to touch her, to kiss her. Everything felt wrong.

"I knew it. This show would be amazing for you. I was right. Finally you found someone to love." Her dad was very happy as he saw this. It made Joe feel bad to lie to him but this was Taylors choice and if she wants to lie to him than she should do that.

"I don't want to disturb you for long. I just wanted to check on you." Her dad said as Joe placed another kiss her her temple. She acted happy at his kiss and lifted up her arm to touch his cheek.

"Okay, we will see each other." Taylor waved at him.

"Bye." Joe added and then they hung up. As soon as the call was ended, Joe took his arm away from her and she wiped over her cheek with her hand.

"Oh my god, that was awful." She said.

"You wanted to do this."

"Yes but I didn't want you to kiss me the entire time." She had that angry look on her face again.

"He is supposed to think that we love each other." He explained.

"Just say it but don't kiss me again." Her voice got louder.

"Okay. I don't want to kiss you again." He shouted and then he left the room. This woman really was impossible.

He walked outside and then into the lobby where several other people were staying. It was sunny outside so he decided to go outside. Some people were chilling in the pool or enjoying drinks at the bar but Joe didn't wan to do any of these things. He went behind the building to sit in the shadow where it wasn't that hot. As he walked around the corner he saw two people making out. The man was pressing the woman against the wall and they were kissing each other wildly.

"Get a room already." Joe shouted at them since he didn't want to see this any longer. The man pulled back and turned around. He looked at Joe with a smirk.

"Just because you are not happy with your wife doesn't mean that other people are not allowed to." He frowned at him.

"How do you know that I'm not happy?"

"Because otherwise you wouldn't come here. Either you come here because you are alone or because you want to make out. Since you are alone, I'm guessing it's the first option for you." He said.

"For me it's the second option so can you please leave so I can continue with that." He added and by this time Joe didn't even want to stay back there anymore. He walked away and went back to the pool area again. Right in the moment when he wanted to go inside, he heard a voice calling for him.

"Joe." A woman was calling. He knew that voice so he turned around and saw Amelia waving at him. In this moment he began to smile. She was wearing sunglasses and sat on a couch behind the pool. Joe immediately decided to join her there. As he came near she let her sunglasses slide down her nose and her green eyes looked over them. Joe laughed at her action and sat down next to her.

"Hey, what's up?" He said.

"You seemed to work good together with Taylor at the game." Amelia said while still smiling at him. She was always smiling at him.

"That was just in the game. We don't work good together." He said.

"I guess you wouldn't talk to me right now if you would work good together with her and I wouldn't talk to you if I would work good together with Mark."

"At least there is one good thing in hating our partners then." Joe joked and she chuckled. It felt good. In this moment it felt like he was doing the right thing so he moved a bit closer to her.

"I wish he was you." Amelia said and lay her hand on his hand. Joe looked down for a short moment but he couldn't deny that he felt the same.

"I wish you were her." He whispered and interlaced their fingers. Joe looked into her eyes and he felt like there was only one right thing to do now. He really wanted to do this but he needed to know if she wanted it too. He put his hand at her cheek and gently stroked a strand of her hair behind her ear. He noticed how she looked down at his lips multiple times. This was enough of an approval for him. He slowly moved closer to her face. She didn't pull back one centimeter. They both closed their eyes and kissed each other. His heart was racing while their lips still touched each other. As they pull back Joes hand remained at her cheek and she was holding his arm.

"Do you feel that too?" He whispered.


"The butterflies."

"I feel rockets." She smiled at him and he smiled back before sharing another short kiss.

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