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Joe was sitting at the desk in the kitchen while it was raining outside. He just watched the raindrops hitting the floor and thought about his situation with Taylor. He was already depressed enough but the rain made it even worse. Even though he hated what she did to him, he still couldn't stop his heart from beating for her. He was so in love with her even when he felt like he hated her. The fact that she just couldn't understand how he felt or she didn't care about his feelings made him feel even worse.

As he continued thinking about Taylor suddenly Amelia joined him at the table. She sat at the opposite side of the table and looked at him.

"Hey." She said and her face looked surprisingly happy.

"You look very happy? Did anything happen?" He asked her as he saw her face.

"I met a guy that I really like. He is sensitive and smart just as amazing as you are." She added at the end which made Joe smile a bit.

"What is his name?"

"Colin." She answered.

"Oh I met him before the show started. He seemed to be a very nice guy. I hope you will get happy with him. I really hope that for you." He sighed and looked down again.

"But you don't look quite happy. Aren't you happy as well now that you found your real feelings for Taylor?" She asked him. He hadn't told anyone about what happened with Taylor.

"No, things didn't go like I wanted them to go."

"What happened?"

"It's just that we had sex and after that I was sure that she felt the same so I told her about my feelings. She said that she didn't share my feelings and it was all about the sex for her. Ever since then she tries to seduce me every time we are in the same room and I can't resist it. I keep having sex with her even though I know that she is using me." He explained his situation and it felt quite good to talk about it.

"Have you told her about how you feel when she dies that?" Amelia asked and Joe really loved how she actually cared for him.

"Yes I told her but she doesn't care about my feelings. I think she doesn't get it at all because she has never been in love herself. She is used to have sex with guys she isn't in love with so she doesn't care about that kind of thing."

"So I have never really seen you two together but maybe she is afraid of the feeling of love. You say she has never been in love before. Maybe she is in love with you but doesn't know it yet or she doesn't want to allow that feelings because she is scared of it." Amelia said and that actually made sense to him.

"I never thought about that. Maybe you are right but what should I do then?" Joe said.

"First of all you need to stop having sex with her. You have to show her how much you love her and care for her. Be nice to her, help her and just be there for her. If she is really in love with you, she will realize that not when you keep being mean to her."

"I'm sure she doesn't want me near her as long it's not about sex." Joe sighed.

"Then you have to show her that she wants you near her. Just try it and when it doesn't work you know the truth at least."

"I really want to thank you for helping me. Just talking with someone already helped so much. Especially after what happened between us, I'm grateful that you help me now." He said.

"I know you and I really want you to be happy so of course I will help you. We can talk at any time." She said and just her saying this felt good to hear.

Later that day Joe left the house and Amelia was still sitting in the kitchen when Taylor came into the kitchen. Taylor had no idea how Amelia looked so she didn't recognize her but Amelia knew how Taylor looked and she wanted to talk to her.

"Taylor?" She started.

"How do you know my name? I have never seen you." Taylor said as she turned around.

"I'm Amelia."

"Oh that girl that kissed my husband." She slightly laughed to hide her jealousy.

"I guess I am that girl but still you are his wife so I wanted to talk to you." Amelia said.

"About what?"

"About Joe." Amelia said and Taylor finally sat down next to her as she head his name.

"Why should we talk about Joe?"

"I talked to him today and he told me about what happened between you."

"Hold on, what did he told you?" Taylor interrupted her.

"Just about his feelings and he thinks that you use him."

"I do." Taylor said.


"I use him. That is the truth, I can't deny it. I love having sex with him but not more."

"But you shouldn't use him. He is truly in love with you and you shouldn't take advantage of that fact." Amelia said.

"Didn't you had sex with him as well?"

"No I didn't. We just kissed each other but I fell in love with him. I fell in love with his way of smiling, his charm, his beautiful eyes and his caring words. I really don't want him to get hurt anymore. He really loves you so I'm just asking you to not break his heart please." Amelia said and Taylor really felt weird while she heard that.

"Do you still love him?"

"I think in my heart a little bit but I can accept that he doesn't love me. He left me because of you."

"We never actually talked about anything." Taylor said.

"Maybe you should do that. You should get to know him better to see how great he actually is."

"I know how great he is." Taylor said but she didn't really realized what she said.

"Why do you keep using him then?"

"Oh umm I meant I know how great he is in bed not anymore." She tried to get back a bit.

"I think I don't need to talk about that with you." Taylor said and stood up to escape that situation.

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