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"You don't look that happy." Amelia said after looking at him for a while.

"You don't look happy as well."

"Yes but you already know why so will you tell me why you are not happy?" She asked.

"It's just that I didn't get the reaction from Taylor that I wanted to get." He admitted while looking down.

"What was her reaction then?"

"She told me that she isn't in love with me and that she doesn't think she will ever love me. It was all about the sex for her but it seems like she doesn't even care about my feelings." Joe said.

"Maybe she just needs time to realise that." Amelia tried to build him up a bit.

"I just want to be happy, you know." Joe sighed and sat a bit closer to her.

"You can be happy, Joe." She said and he took that as a sign. He quickly moved his face close to hers and just kissed her. He wasn't even sure why he did that because he knew that he didn't love her. As soon as he kissed her for once, she immediately pushed him back. It surprised him because he thought that this was what she wanted.

"No that was not what I meant." She said and moved away from him.

"I thought you wanted me to kiss you." He said with embarrassment.

"No you told me that you are not in love with me so I don't want you to kiss me just to feel better. Get it together with Taylor and leave me out of this." She said and there was a slight note of anger in her voice.

"I'm sorry." He just mumbled and stood up. She didn't say anything else and just let him go.

In the evening Joe tried to stay out as long as possible to avoid going into the room with Taylor. He knew that she was already in there so he sat at the bar and drank a few drinks. He stayed there until midnight and then quietly sneaked into their room. He saw her already sleeping in the bed and was relieved. Joe quickly took a shower and changed his clothes before getting into the bed trying not to wake her up. Then he lay next to her and couldn't help but to look at her. He just stared at her body and how her chest slightly went up with her breathing. She looked so perfect and he just wished that she would share his feelings. Somehow he thought she would and just played it down. He tried to sleep and stop looking at her the entire time. Right when he was about to fall asleep he felt how she rolled to the side and mumbled something in her sleep. He didn't open his eyes and tried to ignore her but she lay her hand on his waist and snuggled her head up to his chest. Joe chuckled seeing this and thought about her denying this in the next morning. He just let her sleep like this and placed a quick kiss to her head without her noticing.

"I'm so in love with you, Taylor." He whispered and hoped that she wouldn't wake up. He wanted to sleep like this every night. She didn't react to anything and continued sleeping so Joe went to sleep as well.

When he woke up in the morning Taylor was already out of bed and walked across the room. Joe rubbed his sleepy eyes and ran his hand through his hair. He didn't even recognize how she was looking at him as soon as he raised his body. He looked up at her but didn't say anything. She was wearing a towel around her body and was about to go into the bathroom when she stopped at the door and turned around.

"I will take a shower. Do you want to join me?" She gave him a dirty look. He was confused by her behavior. At one day she yelled at him and the next day she wanted to have sex with him. He just didn't understand that woman.

"No." He just shortly answered. He promised himself not to sleep with her again. She sighed and went into the bathroom but left the door open a few inches. She threw the towel on the floor so he was able to see it.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me?" She asked again. Joe looked at the towel on the floor and thought about her beautiful naked body. He wanted to go in there so bad but he knew that he couldn't. He didn't want her to use him for sex so he needed to stay strong.

"I won't join you." He repeated and got out of the bed. He went to the door and closed it so he wasn't able to see the towel anymore.

He waited until she came out of the bathroom again so he was able to shower too. She dressed herself up with underwear and let him go into the bathroom. The door was not lockable so he needed to be quick. He took of his shirt and jeans so he stood in front of the mirror in just his boxers. He was about to pull them down as well when Taylor came into the bathroom again.

"What are you doing here? Go out." He said as she came near her.

"Come on Joe. Don't be so prude and just look at me. How do I look?" She said in a seductive voice. He slowly looked at her. She stood close to his body with just her underwear on. She looked insanely hot and she knew that.

"I want you. Just one more time." She begged him and lay her hand on his naked chest. He breathed in and for a moment he was about to just pick her up but he stopped himself.

"I can't sleep with you." He said under his breath. He bit his lip while her hand slid down his body.

"Yes you can." She whispered and her hand made contact with his dick through the fabric of his shorts. He closed his eyes for a second as he felt that. He already was about to get hard and her touch just made it worse.

"Taylor no." He said but he wasn't able to move.

"I know that you want me too. You are so hard for me." She whispered and came close to his face. In a quick move she pulled down his boxers and looked at his already hard dick. She wrapped her hand around it and began to move her hand up and down. Joe moaned and slightly threw his head back. She made him crazy with her movements. He wanted to resist her but he wasn't able to. She breathed against his face while still moving her hand.

"I need you." She said and speed up the movements of her hand. He groaned and at this point he had given up on stopping her. It felt too good already.

"I won't have sex with you." He breathed out in pleasure with his eyes closed. She looked at his face and smirked.

"Fine." She just said and then she knelt down in front of him. He opened his eyes again and looked down on her. Her hand was still holding his shaft and she hadn't stop moving it as well. Joe knew exactly what she was about to do and he wasn't able to stop her.

"Let's see how you like this, huh." She said while looking up at him. She took her hand away and put his dick inside her mouth. He immediately groaned deeply as he felt her warm lips around him. She moved her head and sucked at his dick while he put his hand at her head. He ran his fingers through her hair while she put him into her mouth as deep as she could. He heard her breathing while she sucked at him. It didn't take long for her to bring him to his orgasm with this technique. He groaned and ejaculated into her mouth. She swallowed all of it and then let him out of her mouth again. Joe was out of breath and looked down on her. He knew that this was wrong and that she was using him but he wasn't able to resist her. She wiped her mouth and stood up from the floor again. Then she came very close to his face and whispered

"The next time, you'll make me come."

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