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In the next days Taylor and Joe didn't fight one time.  They mostly spend the day separated from each other but when they were in the same room in the evening they talked normal. She didn't try to seduce him again but still just her being next to him made him want her.

Taylor was outside and saw Paul sitting on a table. She hadn't talked to him since they had sex and she really regretted that sex. She wanted Joe and not any other guy. She realized that after having sex with another man but she felt bad for him so she decided to talk to him. She walked up to him and he looked to the side a bit as he spotted her.

"I just want to talk to you for a short moment." She said.

"Sure." He answered but it was clear that he wasn't comfortable around her.

"I want to apologize to you for what I did." She said.

"It wasn't that bad. You were good." He mumbled.

"But it was wrong to use you for sex."

"I use woman for sex too. I used you."

"I don't want to do that and I'm sorry if you feel bad about it now." Taylor said.

"Your husband almost beat me up."

"It's just that he has feelings for me and it really hurt him that I slept with you."

"But you sleep with him as well?" Paul asked.

"I used to but not anymore."

"Why? Isn't he good?" Paul laughed.

"He is amazing but he doesn't want to have sex with someone who has no feelings for him." She said.

"You don't have feelings for him?"

"No." She said but she wasn't sure if that was the truth.

"I think you have. You definitely want to have sex with him. You moaned his name while you had your orgasm." Paul said and she heard that this was the thing that hurt him so much.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't even realize what I said." She said in embarrassment.

"It hurts when a woman moans another man's name while you have sex with her."

"I know and I understand you." She really felt bad for him.

"Just tell him."


"Tell him that you have feelings for him already." Paul said. Taylor knew that he was right. She really should tell Joe.

In the evening Taylor was laying in the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She thought about her feelings and Joe. He was in the bathroom and took a shower. She thought about his body and pictured his perfect body on top of hers. She got completely lost in her thoughts and imagined him touching her. Taylor closed her eyes to enjoy her thoughts. Her mind was having sex with him while he was just one door away from her. Still she couldn't understand why she had such thoughts about him when she tried so hard to hate him. She couldn't deny her feelings anymore and she wanted all of him. Suddenly she heard the door open and opened her eyes. She went out of her thoughts and saw Joe coming into the room shirtless. For a moment she thought she was still in her dreams but this was real.

"Why are you not wearing a shirt?" She asked while looking at his abs.

"I just forget my shirt here." He said and walked over to grab his shirt from a chair. She was a bit sad when he put it on because she really enjoyed him without a shirt.

Joe came into the bed and laid next to her. For a while they were just laying next to each other and not talking. Taylor felt these feeling inside her stomach again and she just wanted to be closer to him but she didn't dare to move. Every time when she wanted to open her mouth and say something she wasn't able to let out a word. When Joe just closed her eyes she finally dared to talk.

"Joe?" She started.

"Yeah?" He lay on the side and looked at her.

"I want to tell you something."

"Go ahead." He said.

"I have a feeling inside my stomach." She tried to tell him but it was hard for her.

"Are you sick?"

"No that is not what I mean. I mean I have a feeling because of you." She said without looking at him once.



"So?" He really wanted her to say it.

"I think I'm falling for you." She finally said it. She was so nervous about his reaction. Joe raised his chest and slightly leaned over her to look at her. His ice blue eyes looked right into hers and he smiled at her.

"Thank you for telling me." He said and slowly lowered his head so his face came closer to hers. Her breathing was shaking because he was so close.

"What are you doing?" She said and didn't even know why she asked that because she knew what he was doing.

"Do you want me to do it?" He asked her and she already felt his breath at her skin.

"Yes." She agreed and he came closer. His nose touched hers and he stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and fully enjoyed the moment.

"You are so pretty." He whispered and then he gently kissed her lips. It was a total different kiss than all the kisses before. This one was not hot it was just lovingly. Their lips matched with each other like two puzzle pieces. Perfectly.

"This feels so good." She chuckled between the kisses.

"I told you." Joe said and kissed her again before laying next to her again.

"I should have told you earlier but I wasn't sure about my own feelings." She said.

"It's okay. I get it and I'm glad that I'm your first love." He giggled.

"So I married my first love." She turned her head and he saw her beautiful smile.

"Isn't that romantic."

"It would be if it wasn't a forced wedding." She said.

"Right." He nodded and laughed.

"But now I'm happy to be your husband." He put his hand at her arm.

"I never thought that I want to be your wife but now I really think I do." She said. Joe kissed her cheek and then they went to sleep while holding hands.

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