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Joe couldn't stop smiling after his kiss with Amelia. The feeling that he had when he kissed her was exactly the feelings that he hoped to have with his wife. At this point he had no idea where Taylor was while he was out but he also didn't really care about her anymore.

When he came back to their room, Taylor sat on the couch and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What have you done?" She asked him immediately. At first he didn't get her question.


"Where were you?" She stood up and walked up to him.

"In the garden. What is your problem?"

"Were you alone there?" Now she stood right in front of his body.

"There are many people in the garden so no." He said and slightly smiled while saying this.

"I saw you." She said with an angry look.

"So?" Joe didn't understand what her problem was in this moment. In his opinion he didn't do anything wrong.

"I saw you kissing her." She sounded offended which he didn't understand.

"Yes I did." He proudly confirmed.

"You cheated on me."

"No I didn't."

"I'm your wife." She screamed at him and he did a step back because he really was afraid that she would punch him.

"This isn't cheating." He said again.

"We are married and you kissed another girl so you cheated."

"But we don't love each other." He screamed at her.

"I don't love you and you don't love me so why do you even care?" He talked very fast and she didn't answer right away.

"You are jealous, huh?" He grinned and came closer to her. Now he got it and he wanted to plag with that.

"I'm not." She said and shook her head. Joe just continued smirked and came closer to her again.

"Yes you are. You are so jealous because you wish that it was you." He laughed a bit.


"You want me to kiss you." He whispered and was so close to her face that his breath already hit her skin.

"No I don't. I hate you." She hissed at him.

"Then why do you care? Tell me why you care about me kissing another woman if you don't love me." He still was whispered. He enjoyed this.

"I don't care." She said but she was clearly lying.

"Of course you don't. But still you want me to kiss you instead of her." He raised his hand and touched her cheek. In this moment she hit his arm away and stepped back.

"Stop touching me." She screamed and he laughed at the ground.

"Okay okay, I'll better go before you change your mind." He chuckled and left her standing in the room.

He walked down the hallway and passed a few door where the other people were staying in. Then suddenly a door opened and he saw Amelia. He wasn't able to say a word because she grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the room.

"Don't say anything." She whispered and kissed his lips. He immediately got into the kiss and kissed her back. His heart was beating fast and he wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer to his body. This situation got very intense in a quick time. She rushed through his hair with her hands and he let his hands run over her entire body. Everything felt good and right.

"Is this okay?" He asked between kisses as his hand was about to touch her skin inside her shirt.

"Everything you do is okay, Joe." She replied and pulled him down by his shirt to kiss him again. She bit his lower lip between two kisses which made him more hot.

They walked over to the bed while still kissing each other and holding on to each other. He pushed her back on the bed and stood in front of the bed while she was watching him. He took a moment to decide what to do but he had already lost his mind for her. He took off his shirt and laid on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his back and he felt how she stroked his skin. Amelia slightly raised her head to cling to his lips again. The kisses were gentle but also passionate.

After a while Joe tried to take off her shirt. She raised her chest so he was able to pull it up and take it off of her.

"This isn't too fast?" He asked her again as he kissed her chest and moved his hand to the closure of her bra.

"No go on." She replied and he opened the bra. She raised her body and he took it off. She lay under him being naked at top. He slowly lowered his head. He looked up at her and she nodded. Then he sucked at her nipple. She softly moaned and grabbed his hair. He stopped after a few seconds to check if she liked it. She had her head thrown back so it was clear that she loved it. He focused on her breasts again and kissed them. He also touched her and gave a gentle squeeze to her breast. She moaned as he did that.

"I love that." She breathed out and he squeezed it again. After that he moved up to her face again and they kissed each other. He felt how she moved her hand down while his mouth was still at hers but suddenly there came a thought to his mind. A thought that shouldn't be there, not in this moment. It was Taylor who crossed his mind. Amelias hand was at his pants now and she started to open his belt. Joe tried to ignore his thought but it kept coming back again and again. He had a weird desire. He wanted this to be Taylor.

Amelia opened his belt and wanted to pull down his pants but in this moment it was too much for him. He pulled back from her lips and raised his body. She looked at him with a confused face, she clearly hadn't seen that coming.

"I'm sorry." He rushed and stood up from the bed.

"What is happening?" She said and raised her body as well.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." He said and buttoned his jeans again before taking on his shirt as well.

"Why? What happened?" She asked while pulling up the blanket to cover her naked chest.

"I just can't." He said and left the room quickly. He felt horrible for leaving her there but he had no better idea. He run down the hallway and stood behind a corner. He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. His heart betrayed him. Amelia wasn't who it truly wanted. It was just his brain that wanted Amelia but his heart wanted Taylor.

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