I hate you

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Why her? It could have been every other woman but not her. At this point he was pretty sure that the show has already ended for him. Joe slowly did a few steps out of the line and looked at her face. He saw on her face that she had the same feelings like him. She probably even hated him more that he hated her. He stood next to her even though he didn't want to. He just wanted to run away right now.
In a few minutes he will get married to this woman. He has to kiss her at least once and has to sleep in one bed with her. He knew that she didn't want it either but it was too late now.

"The worst case." She whispered at him.

"Trust me, I don't want to marry you either." He said back. They both looked at each other and it was clear that both of them knew that they never be able to be a good team.

Next ever couple was led to a room where they got married. It was the weirdest feeling Joe ever had in his entire life when he walked through that door. There were tiny crosses on the floor which showed them where they should stand. A camera was filming right at their faces and another one was flying over them.
It wasn't a big ceremony, just a simple wedding. Joe didn't even heard any of what priest was saying. He looked right into her face the entire time and so was she. He couldn't stop to look at her and think about the fact that she will be his wife in a few seconds. She was horrible, everything about her except her look. That was the only thing that was good. She looked amazing, he had to admit that. But even this look can't cover the fact of what a horrible person she was.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." Joe was taken out of his thoughts from this sentence.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said at Joe. He didn't want to do it but he knew that it was part of the show so he played along. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers for a short moment. Not a real kiss. They both pressed their lips together and both of their lips were completely dry. It was the most unromantic and uncomfortable kiss he ever had in his entire life. He quickly pulled back and the ceremony was over. The cameras got turned off and for a short moment they was no camera filming them.

"What now?" She asked at the producer. Joe also had the same question so he looked at him too.

"Now its time for your wedding night." He said with a smile on his face.

"What?" She asked shockingly.

"What does that mean?" Joe added.

"You will go to your room together and spend the night together. Maybe you will give us something for the show." He winked at them.

"You want us to have sex in there?" Taylor asked again.

"It would be amazing for the show."

"I don't know her. I won't have sex with someone who I don't even know." Joe said and looked at her. She looked at him with a totally disgusted look.

"You'll get to know each other and exploring each other's bodies is a good way to know each other." The producer said.

"There is no way I let this man touch me." She said and looked over at Joe.

"You don't have to but it would be great if you at least try." It sounds extremely weird hearing this.

Taylor and Joe were brought to their room. They didn't exchange any words during the way. As they entered the room Joe looked around. It was a big room with a balcony and wide windows. The windows were covered with long black curtains. In the middle of the room there was a big bed. They were left alone in the room.

"Which side do you want to sleep on?" He asked her.

"I don't care just far away enough from you." She said.

"You know what, you are really a bitch."

"And you are an asshole." She said against him.

"Don't ever think that I let you fuck me." She laughed at him and turned her head away from him.

"I would rather fuck a tree than you."

"Amazing then do that." She walked through the room to the bathroom.

"Oh fuck off." He took of his jacket and tie.

"I will." She went into the bathroom to take off her dress. Joe took off all his clothes so he was standing in the room completely naked. Suddenly Taylor opened the bathroom door and looked in the room. As he saw her he tried to cover up his private part with his shirt but she had already seen it.

"What the hell are you doing?" He screamed at her.

"I just want to grab my shirt but I just saw something I never wanted to see."

"Yes you shouldn't see that." He still hold his shirt around his waist.

"But I must say he is small." She said and showed his size with her hands.

"Fuck you."

"I will probably fuck myself rather than let you fuck me with that small thing."

"For the last time: I don't want to have sex with you." His voice was already loud.

"We are meant to have sex now."

"I don't care. I won't fuck you because I hate you."

"Perfect I hate you too." She said and closed the door again. He breathed out and quickly put on his shorts before he went into the bed.

She came out of the bathroom and went into the bed next to him with an annoyed face. She moved as far away from him as she could.

"Don't you dare to touch me." She warned him again.

"I won't touch you." He lay on his back and looked up. Taylor rolled to the side and turned her back to him.

"You know that we have to act like we are in love to win here. We have to be a good team for the challenges." He said.

"I don't care about the money. I don't need it so I don't need to act like something is between us."

"You are rich or what?" He laughed.

"I have enough money so I don't need this."

"Then why are you here?" He asked.

"Because I thought that maybe I will meet a nice guy who I really fell in love with but instead I'm laying here with you."

"I came here to find a woman who I fell in love with too and now I'm laying next to the worst woman out of all the women here." He said.

"How do you know? You don't know any other woman here."

"Its save to say that you are an awful wife."

"You are also an awful husband."

"What should we do then?" Joe said.

"Just leave your hands away from me and don't talk to me."

"But we need to be a team." He tried to convince her.

"I don't want to be in a team with you and I can't be in a team with you. It is hard to lay here next to you."

"What do you need?" Joe turned his head to look at her.


"What do I have to give you so you help me to win this show because I need the money."

"Why should I help you?" She didn't even looked at him.

"Because you will get something for it." He said. She kept quiet for a couple of minutes until she answered.

"Okay so you pretend to be in love with me to show my dad that I have a boyfriend. He hated it that I never had a serious relationship with someone so I came here to finally find a man to show him that I can love someone. If you help me to show my dad that I'm able to love then I will help you to win the money." She explained to him.

"You have never loved anyone?"

"That's everything that you care about? Do you want to do it that way or not?" She asked again.

"Yes fine we will do it like this." He agreed. He had already given up the hope to be there for the love so he just focused on the money instead.

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