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Taylor slowly opened her eyes and saw the sun shining through the curtain directly on her face. To escape the sun for a moment she turned her head to the side and saw Joe next to her in the bed. He was already awake and had his chest rise from the mattress. He leaned on his arm and looked at her. When her eyes met his both of them giggled.

"How long have you been looking at me?" She laughed and covered her face with her hands.

"I can't stop looking at you." He whispered.

"It's creepy." She joked but she loved the way he was looking at her.

"Then I'm a creep." He chuckled and slowly hovered over her body. She slightly leaned her head to the side and gave him a dreamy look. His eyes wandered over her body for a second until he looked her into the eyes again. Joe gently removed some strands of hair from her face and stroked her cheek. Taylor didn't say a word. She enjoyed this moment like she never enjoyed anything with a man before. She raised her hands and wrapped them around his neck holding her hands together behind his head. One of her hands went on to play with his blonde hair.

"Is this what it feels like?" She whispered at him.


"Love." She said with a smile. He saw her cheeks getting red and a smile appeared on his face as well.

"Yes." He shortly whispered and leaned down a bit. He wanted to kiss her but she was faster. She pulled him down and pressed her lips against his. She gently kissed his lips a few times until they broke the kiss and laughed.

"I think we should leave this room sometime." She chuckled and wanted to raise her body. He nodded and kissed her again before climbing down from her body.

The show was going into the finals in a few weeks and Taylor and Joe had a pretty good point score so far. Even though the fought the entire time they always made a good team in the challenges and now that they are a team outside of the came as well it will be easier for them for sure.

"I will go to the pool already." She said as he was still getting ready.

"Alright." He answered and Taylor left the room. She went into the kitchen to get something to drink and then lay on a daybed outside at the pool. The sun was burning so she was just wearing a short and a tank top. Even that felt like too much clothes. She looked around and waited for Joe as she saw Amelia and a guy holding hands. She was glad that she found someone as well and didn't hold on to Joe.

Joe came outside and saw her laying on the bed. He was wearing a blue short and no shirt, like all the men. As he came closer Taylor let sink her sunglasses to look at his muscular chest. Joe chuckled seeing her looking at him like this. He wanted her to do this all the time and now she wouldn't stop staring at him.

"Come here." She said and hold out her arms for him. Joe came next to her and laid his head on her chest. Taylor caressed his head while he stroked over her naked stomach with his finger.

"How do you feel?" He asked after a while.

"So much better." She said with her eyes closed.

"A few days ago you still hated me." He laughed.

"I never hated you." She said and caressed his head.

"So you screamed at me for nothing?"

"I was scared of my own feelings. I felt things that I couldn't understand so I pretended that I hate you. All the time I tried to lie to myself to stop me from falling in love with you."


"Yeah I mean I didn't like you in the beginning but already on the second or third day I knew that I had some feelings for you. I just didn't know what these feelings were so I tried to push them aside." She said. Joe raised his head from her chest so his face was right over hers.

"I actually liked the idea of acting like we were a couple so I could be at least a bit close to you." He said and brushed her hair behind her ear. She laid her head to the side a bit and smiled.

"Me too."

"So we both just acted like we hated each other when we both had feelings for each other?" He chuckled.

"It seems like that."

"That is really stupid." He lowered his head a bit and his nose touched hers.

"It probably is." She moved her head a bit so their noses rubbed at each other.

"So you can tell your dad that you actually fall in love now."

"Seems like this plan worked out." She smiled at him.

"What about the money? You said that you need it. Why?" She asked him. Joe was a bit surprised that she remembered him saying this.

"I'm a manager of a company and in the last year this company has made high debts so it looks like we might have to close it in the future. I try everything to keep it running but I don't think that it will work and if it will close I won't have a job anymore." He explained.

"I'm sure you will find another job. I can help you with that."

"You don't have to help me." He said.

"No it's fine. My dad is the CEO of a huge bank. I also work there and I'm sure he would want to hire you now that you are my husband." She told him.

"You really would do this for me?"

"Of course I would." She stroked his arm.

"Thank you." He said before kissing her once again.

"That would mean that I'm married to my colleague." He chuckled.

"Many people in this company are married to each other."

"I think it would be great to work in the same business with you. I could just come by and do something like this." He said and gave a quick kiss to her neck.

"But watch out so my dad doesn't see this." She laughed.

"I will." He said and laid next to her.

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