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Hello my fellow readers, i am so happy to see that this book is up and going. Everyone is enjoying themselves and the plot. This book was written years ago in 2017, where i was likely a young child with ambitions on a whole crossover between my favourite animes.

However today I am to unfortunately announce that i will be DISCONTINUING the book. It has been a fun journey but i will explain why i decided upon this decision. First, like stated above, its been several years. This book has not been updated inna while and it will never be, why? It is due to me forgetting and losing the plot focus. I have not remembered the plot and it was hazy in my memories.

2nd, I am no longer a big fan of Haikyuu!. This is another reason partially why i do not wish to update any longer. Haikyuu is no longer a passionate anime of comfort for me. I am afraid that i will lose character's plot focus through this book and I do not wish to do that.

Lastly, my passion. Over the years i was given hope that i can finsih this, turns out writers block/school/draining activities and the past years have been giving me such a tough time and I have not been able to update. Despite the constant request of updates, i will not bring this up anymore.

Although there will be a few news, please take note of this !

The book will NOT be deleted, it will be stayed up for viewing purposes on my profile. I am planning publishing a new book but that is if i have the passion to continue so please look forward to it !

That is all from me, Happy New Year and this is all from me. It has been wonderful with all of your support and I am sorry it came out this way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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