Part 10: A search

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name

- Hinata's Pov

"WHAT?!!" Loud screams of shock filled the gym. Kageyama then grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me close with dark expression "What do you mean dumbass?!"

Sugawara pulled Kageyama away from me and made a safe distance between us. "Calm down Kageyama! Let Hinata explain what he saw!"

Kageyama scoffed and tried to held himself back by clenching his fist. "Fine..Explain yourself..." I shivered as he spat his words which came out like venom. Everyone else was also eager to find out what had happened when i went to her house.

I sighed before looking at them " all started when i was walking to school....."

- Flashback -

As I was walking to school, i passed by Aki's apartment. Since yesterday i haven't heard her and as i looked at her apartment, it was almost as if nobody was ever inside and the curtains were shut blocking whatever that was inside. As curiosity killed me, i walked over to the apartment and knocked on the door. No response. I tried knocking once again and twist the doorknob, only for the door to response amd the door to open.

Inside was barely anything at all. It was dark so i went over and opened the curtains only to reveal everything here was gone except for furniture. Where was her stuff?

Was she robbed?! I thought and panicked. Quickly i went to her and opened the door only to see her stuff in her bedroom removed as well. But there was still some stuff she had left behind like her clothes and some of her stuff.

As i looked around her room, i found a sticky note which was attached to the wall. I picked it up and read it.

'To anyone who is here and reading this,

I have gona somewhere to stay tho i cannot reveal where ill be staying. But don't worry ill be back in a few days...maybe...Ahh! Nevermind nobody will read this anyways.'

- Flashback End -

As evidence, i pulled out the crushed sticky note out from my pocket and showed it to the rest. Tsukishima took a small glance and frowned "Your not lying Shrimpy.."

As confused as I was, we all looked at Tsukishima confused. "What do you mean..?" Tsukishima rolled his eyes "Dumbass all im trying to say is that Hinata's not lying..i recognized this handwritting..."

Yamaguchi finally took a glance and nodded. "Tsukki is right. We recognize that handwritin-""Yamaguchi Urasai*""G-Gomen Tsuk-kki!" Yamaguchi seemed to have shouted out.

We all had a moment of silence before we heard Daichi said. "From the note we know that (L/N)-san is coming back. So for now let's continue training and wait for (L/N)-san to finaly calm down and come back and prove to her that we are strong!"

"HAI CAPTAIN!" Only a few of us responded while the rest nodded.

- (F/N)'s Pov -

"Sorry..we don't have much room but the best we could do is have you stay in the living that okay?""Mhm Thanks Kenma!" He only responded with a simple nod before going to his room and locked himself in his room.

Kuroo grinned before looking at me. "Well let's start unpacking shall we?""Hold up- We?""Well i can't have my wonderful and beautiful friend unpack alone right?"

I cringed as i heard his words ring annoyingly in my ears. "I...guess not..""Great!" Kuroo seemed to be happy with my response and smirked.

Currently i was in their shared apartment between the two in Tokyo. After 'Running away' from Miyagi and to Tokyo. I was basically thankful for them.

Kuroo and Me began unpacking my stuff from which i had brought and we talked about what we have been missing all the time we were away. At some point Kenma seemed to be annoyed with our talking and came out from his room and threw a pillow at us, asking us to stop talking to which we didn't, making him groan and shutting his door.

Once we were done, i sighed thankfully and laid back on the couch. It was a cozy normal coach, I think? I then suddenly remembered one thing that had popped up in my mind "Kuroo?""Mhm?""Am i going to stay in your school?"


After going away from publishing anything- Have two chapters for this one day!! Hopefully you like it and be happy with them cause i might not update again due to Exams upcoming. >:3

Despite that, Thank you for liking this story!! And i will continue to impress you but don't forget to Follow, Vote and Comment! It will help me so much!

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