Part 17: Training Camp (Part II)

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nick Name

After a brief happy go lucky session with the Karasuno team, only then the tall blonde haired pole squinted his eyes at Kuroo and Kenma before pointing over to them. "So you were staying with them the whole time? And joining the Nekoma team?" He pointed out to which i nod my head.

"Right! I have been staying in Kuroo's and Kenma's shared apartment as well as attending Nekoma High School and as a manager on Nekoma" I explained with a smile as Kuroo only grins mischievously while Kenma nods in agreement.

"HAHHHH?! NEKOMA WAS STEALING OUR BEAUTIFUL MANAGER ALL ALONG?!" Tanaka hollared which almost instantly called over Taketora to which i sweatdropped at. "Oh dear god.." i mumbled underneath my breath

"NO WE DIDN'T! WE FOUND HER FIRST!" Taketora responded as he made a barrier between me and Tanaka.

"THAT'S WRONG! WE DID!" Tanaka answered back, paired with Nishinoya who did the same by his side.

I could only sigh along with Daiki before seeing the team captain greet each other with their usual hard handshakes. Although i perked up when i had realised both Hinata and Kageyama was no where in sight in the jumbled group of students.

"Sugawara-san, where is Hinata and Kageyama-kun?" I asked with an raised eyebrow to which mom (h ah) chuckled at before shaking his head. "Well you see...Both Hinata and Kageyama had failed their papers for the written exams and this resulted in Takeda-sensei not allowing them to go and take the extra lessons" I nod understanding his words upon his explanation and bowed at the older male before sighing.

'Hopefully, i'll be able to see them again..' I thought to myself before smiling hearing my name being called by Kenma and quickly followed the group entering the location of their camp.

M e a n w h i l e

Kuroko pants as Kagami only smirked seeing his partner all tired after their run instructed around the nearby roads by Rio and Momo. "Oi oi, Tetsu, tired already?" Aomine asked as he raised his eyebrow at the light blue haired male before shaking his head and continuing his run.

"Perhaps it was because he didn't have his lucky item. Today is in fact," Midorima started as he pushed up his glasses in place, "Aquarius's unlucky day"

"Ne, Midorimacchi, you never stop do you?" Murasakibara bluntly asked as he tied his violet purple hair to a small ponytail as he rested against the wall, the group stopping by to take a small break. Although his eyes glistened seeing the nearby convenience store within reach and began making his way there unconsciously.

"Tch, say that to yourself nanodayo" Midorima grumbled as he followed. He did in fact wanted to by Aquarius's lucky item as well. They couldn't have their strongest duo  not work their magic for the fight with Jabberwock. With that, and with Akashi's permission, they entered the convenience store to get a small break out of thier 15 minute run around the neighbour hood.

Back at (Y/N) . . .

"Oh!!! Do you think they have meat buns here too?!" Hinata asked towards his partner and childhood friend who seemed amused by their reactions. Just a few moments ago . . .

The door slammed open alerting everyone in the gym as they had stopped the game and turned their attention to the door that was slammed open. With the exceptions of the opened doors, there stood a small boy with fluffy orange hair as well as a taller male with blackish blue straight hair. "Osu!"

"Kageyama-kun! Hinata-kun!" I hollered with widened eyes. Mummers and praises as well as confusion was starting to bubble up seieng the duo back.

'Yup . . .They were back' I thought to myself as i watched Kageyama and Hinata bicker with each other. I was tasked to buy some snacks and energy drinks as well as well . . . Some meat buns per Hinata's request. With that though, the duo decided to follow along with happy faces.

"Perhaps there are some meat buns- oh look! There it is!" I chimed with interest as Hinata and Kageyama looked towards where i was pointing at. "Are you sure (L/N)?" Kageyama mumbled, to which Hinata pouts at. "There aren't any meat buns after all . . ." He pointed out to which i panicked as we approached the convenience store. "I-i'm sure there are meat buns! I heard senpai's recommending them!" I mumbled quickly as we entered the convenience store.

With that, Kageyama split off to the milk isle to get some milk or yogurt while Hinata sprinted off to find the meat buns. "A-ah! Wait you two!!" With that, i quickened my pace in the oddly large convenience store and soon enough found Kageyama who was holding a small carton of milk and glaring  and Hinata who was holding onto the last piece of candy, paling at the sight of a tall violet male.

"Kageyama-kun, Hinata-kun, let's get going-""hm? (N/N)macchi?" The male started off to which i widened my eyes to. "C-come on you two!" I tugged on Kageyama's and Hinata's wrist, making him release the hold of the candy and quickly arrived at the counter to which my face further paled at seeing the GOM at the counter.

"Atsushi. What was taking so long?" Akashi sighed only to dart his eyes to see me, Hinata and Kageyama together huddled perhaps due to how i tried to hide behind them. "(L/N)-san. What a coincidence" He said with a small smile on his face.


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