Part 11: New friends

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name

Kuroo seemed to finally realized what i was talling about and nodded "Ive talked to my coach about it. Your joining Nekoma till you have to go and your also joining our volleyball team as our temporarery manager." I smiled before patting his shoulders "Good job"

"I know" He grinned and winked towards my direction to which i reacted by faking my gaging relexes and he threw a pillow at me. Kenma soon got out his room and gave me their girl school uniform which he said to have forgotten about making me sweatdrop.

As the sun came down and the moon rises up, we ate our dinner which was kind of a disaster (Due to Kuroo's childish acts and Kenma's awkward slient pauses..) and soon enough bid goodnight and went to our respective areas. Here i am hugging a pillow in my arms on the couch as i thought about it.

Was running away the right choice? Or was facing them better? Either way i had to face the consequense when i will head back to Karasuno. It just gives me the chills just thinking about it. I smiled sadly and regretfully before slowly closing my eyes and sinking into the darkness.

-Time Skip-

Kuroo then woke me up for me to get ready and change into their school girl uniform. After showering, i changed into their uniform.It fit perfectly and it was pretty decent.

As i went to the kitchen only to find out that the boys are still preparing themselves. I chuckled and prepared some food as for breakfast. Kenma and I were the only ones at the table and started talking. Shortly after Kuroo came and soon enough we were walking and going to school.

As we arrive at school, Kuroo looked at me, smirking his stupid grin. "Now now~ follow us and we will show you where your temporary classroom is" I rolled my eyes before nodding and waving him off "Yea yea of course" to which he replied with a 'happy' grin and a pat on the back (which totally was a nice 'pat') and Kenma looked at me with pity.

As we walked through the halls, whispers and gossips were spread throughtout the corridor saying there was a new girl. Even some of the students had recognized me from the practise match that Nekoma and Karasuno did as i was their manager and was wondering why i was here.

Soon we stopped at a door with a sign on the side indicating 'Class 1-3'. Kuroo grinned and looked at me with his hand spread apart. "Tada! This is your class!". I looked at him with a straight face and Kenma did the exact same thing to which Kuroo groaned "Come on!"

I rolled my eyes before sliding the door open. There were students out of their chairs and some pairs of eyes were glued onto me. Suddenly a tall boy with grey hair and cat like eyes came up to me and looked at the setter and spiker.

"Kenma-san and Kuroo-san! i didn't expect you to come visit m-""We aren't we are just dropping off our friend here" Ouch. That seemed to hurt. I winced as i heard the comment feeling the pain through the words despite them not being said to me. It looked like the words shot through the poor guy's heart and he frowned.

"By the way Lev.." Kenma suddenly said to which the guy called 'Lev' turned to look at him. "Please take care of (L/N)-san and show her around. After that bring her to the gym after school." 'Lev' saluted before waving to the third year and second year.

As they were walking away, Kuroo turned to face me and threw a small peace sign while i rolled my eyes and waved back at them. 'Lev' then turned to look at me and i shivered. He was damn right taller then me and his eyes look creepy...

"Hi! Im Haiba Lev!" He introduced himself before placing a hand out to me. I smiled slightly at him and grabbed his hand gently before shaking it. "Nice to meet you Haiba..Im (L/N) (F/N) " He grinned and looked at me. "We are gonna be the best of friends!" "Y-yea..." I sweatdropped. He is as hyper as Hinata is..

The bell rung and the students rushed to their place. Soon enough i stood in front of the class and introduced myself and i noticed Haiba grinning at me to which i smiled back. After introducing, I was soon assigned to seat next to Haiba which was so not a good idea...

Kuroo's hard to is Lev actually. Anyways! Hopefully you all have enjoyed this chapter. And i think so far this was the longest chapter yet that i had made? probably but hey who knows. Also naming what (F/N) said to the other guys are so hard so im sorry.

Again i love to thank you all for reading this somehow dumb and stupid story that i made. Hopefully this story last long bulut hey only the future knows that. But also be sure to Follow, Comment and Vote! 💕

Till next time!

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