Part 13 : Nekoma (Part II)

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name

As the chaos had happened, I suddenly felt a tug pulled from my shirt. I was soon being dragged away by the chaos to a settling corner. There stood some members and Kenma, who supposedly dragged me. Kenma looked at me before looking at the members and back to his game console.

The awkward tensions seemed to grow higher as I was left to stare at the few members in front of me, which the members did the same back. Suddenly, a groan was heard. A spiky haired red haired member pouted as he looked at me. "This is no fun..Say! Are you (L/N)-chan?" He said as i replied with a nod.

"Yup! That's me! How about you?" The boy smiled at the question as he pointed to himself "I am So Inuoka! Feel free to call me Inuoka!". Thus i made a mental note of his name and smiled back a friendly smile "Nice to meet you Inuoka-kun!""Same here!"

A chuckle soon was heard. We look to the owner of the voice which belonged to a pretty tall player who had jet black hair and pretty thick eyebrows. "I see your making friends with our new 'Manager' pretty fast Inuoka". The tall player approached me and smiled, which for some reason seemed to relaxe me alot as if i was very tense and nervous from the beginning. "Nice to meet you (L/N)-san. I am Nobuyaki Kai and I am unfortunately..the Vice-Captain of these bunch of idiots".

I chuckled as i looked at him with a devious smile. "Im so sorry you had to go through all this pain yourself Kai-kun." He sighed as he shook his head. "Its horrible to even think of the crazy and weird things they have done...". The group chuckled and seemed to be signalling to another member to introduce himself. Though one of the members caught my attention, he had wide cat like eyes much like lev but with small pupils. He also had short ass hair and small eyebrows. He seemed to notice my intrest towards him and bowed before me in a 90° angle.

"Good morning (L/N)-chan""Its the afternoon Fukunaga-kun" said Kai as he chuckled. The poor boy face was fully red from embarrassment and covered his face in shame from him. "Shut up I know that!" A small chuckl had managed to escape me and it seem to make kenma distracted from his game, wait let me rephrase that. Everyone there was seemed to be distracted when i chuckled. (You being the most clueless person in the world aka the main protagonist i mean wot?) I was clueless as to why everyone was staring at me. "What?"

I huffed and looked at the embarrassed boy from before and smiled gently at him. "Nice too meet you?""Fukunaga Shohei""Fuku-kun!" I managed to giggle before being interrupted "Ano..My name is Shibayama Yuki. Nice too meet you (L/N)-san" said a short boy with black short hair parted through the middle. "Uh? Oh Nice to meet you too Shi-kun" I smiled at him. "Oya oya?" Kuroo said as he made his way over to us.

"What do you want Kuroo?""Ehh~? Kohai (F/N)-chan didnt give me honorifics! Meanie!""Stop whining Kuroo.." i grumbled and sighed, rolling my eyes. Dear god this child was too much too handle now. "Ne ne (L/N)-chan..Let's go practice receiving together! It's going to be wayyyy easier doing it with you-ITAIII*!" Lev-kun shouted as he held his head that was supposedly hit by a volleyball. "OI HAIBA LEV!" a voice shouted as a angry player came walking up to us. I swore he almost had flames growing upon him. "YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE PRACTISING YOUR RECEIVING WITH ME! BAKA!""Uh..GOODBYE (L/N)-CHAN!""HEY!" Lev suddenly ran off speed of lightning to who knows where honestly.

Kuroo sighed as he facepalmed. "Chikusho*..How on earth is he planning to be an ace?" Kai laughed as he patted the senpai's back. "It will never work on him. He will think the other way of being an ace anyways." I tilted my head in confusion as I looked at them in confusion. Fukunaga prepared his voice before speaking "Its Lev's way of becoming an ace. Scoring more points in the battlefield." I shook my head and facepalmed. "I understand your worries now.."

"(L-L/-L/N)-CHAN!" I jumped from the shock and squeaked , hiding behind Shi-kun and Fuku-kun as protection. "K-Kuso..A-ano.." A familiar face was standing there rubbing his neck with an obviously big blush. I snapped my fingers in realization and went up to him with a big grin. "Your that spiker right? You went BOoSH! AND WHOOSH! And when Shi-kun couldnt block it, the ball went BAM! It looked so amazing! Whats your name?" I fangirled as I made heavy actions with my hands to imply what im saying. The male seemed to pale for my choice and I held his hand for support "Hm? Are you oka-"

Just as i was about to finish my sentence, he fell down limp with a pale face. Not believing what just happened, I scream in fright and jumped back a few steps. The others seemed to heard my scream but most of them walked away. "H-huh?! Why did h-he?!""It's fine (L/N)-chan he will be perfectly fine. He's always like this around girls it seems""R-really?! B-but h-he!" Kai patted me on the back and ruffled my hair. "Its fine ignore him for now. I'll make sure he wont bother you in anything" He cracked his knuckles and i reassured him no hands were gonna punch the fainted boy.

After a few minutes of waiting for the fainted boy to awoken, he introduced himself with a red face that could match a sick human as Yamamoto Taketora and soon i got to know the was angry light brown hair player was Yaku Morisuke. Soon after we were starting up a practise match because 'why not?' quoted Kuroo.

And now i was sitting on a bench, next to Nekomata-sama and Naoi-sama with a thick notebook that ive been having throughout the years. All containing my feelings, data and my hidden past and Ideals as well. (Like Kunikida's (bungou stray dogs) Ideal book) I was taking down notes of the Nekoma players as i looked up to their match. Ive made points that their team are mostly more strategic and more agile then most volleyball schools i had competed with.

The whistle blows and it was the break before the second before you know it. The members came rushing to the bench while me and Naoi handed them their waterbottles for them to hydrate. "You know.." A voice started speaking up and it was surprisingly Kenma. His gaze met mine and a small smile came up from both of us. "I haven't seen you play in ages..Care to play?"

I got flustered and debated whether to play. I looked over to the coaches replying with a big smile and thumbs up. I sighed shakily before nodding and shouts of happiness was heard from the members. Kuroo and Lev was currently happily celebrating while Yaku, Yamamoto and the rest eyes shined with surprise except Kenma of course.

I excused myself to the bathroom to change before playing and took the team's jacket and pants from Nekomata himself. It was an entirely red jacket with the words Nekoma at the back, a plain white shirt and red pants as well. I began putting those on but my breath hitched as i looked over at the scars that were on my arm. Memories flashed back and quickly i wore the clothes and stepped out.

"Im ready" I said as i stared at the group. Kenma seemed to get the signal that was given out by Nekomata and i stumbled as i looked at Kenma who was worriedly placing an arm over my shoulder. "I know your more comfortable setting after all you are a setter.." He warned me but i smiled and brushed him off "I'll be fine! I'll just do a serve to not distract your game too much"

I smiled as i faced the ball that was in my hand. Carefully, i bounce the ball to the ground and up to my time repetitively before hearing the whistle. As the whistle blows, I threw the ball up. As if i was the only one moving and everyone watching me, I sung my hands back and jumped up hitting the ball with impact. It expected to fall in the middle of the court due to my positioning but..

The ball curved, it curved to a near corner and a flash was clear in my eyes. I tched and landed back down. The ball landed in the corner as well and declared in. Silence fell before i got screams and hugs of death.


First off.
Writing block got the best of me and during the moments of writing block i got notifications about some of you putting MY book in their reading list so if your reading Thank you!



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