Part 14 : An old friend and his partner

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name
(S/C) = Skin Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour
(F/C) = Favourite Colour

Note : Italics are mostly gonna be used as thoughts or flashbacks so-

Days had become weeks and soon a full few months had passed. I remained unknown to Karasuno which seemed like it didnt stopped them. From what ive known from Kenma was what had explained it as..

"W-what the?!" i managed to say as i got shoved by a phone to my very face. "Hey! Kenma don't do that! My face is very precious you know?" I huffed as i rubbed my soft (S/C) cheek or face delicately. Kenma shrugged as his answer as he began reading out the messaged he received.

"To : Kenma
From : Shoyou

Kenma boredly read out with his expressionless face of his very own. I sweatdropped as i looked at him. "Atleast you could have been more expressive like Hinata.." I whispered. Kenma looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a soft smile was seen. "Better?""Definately!!!" I smirked and gave a thumbs up as he grumbled and blew his bangs out of his way.

"Anyways..Shouldnt you explain to them about your disappearance (L/N)?" He looked at me with a stoic expression to which i ruffled his hair and stuffed my hands to my pockets and walked out of my classroom to the gym. "It's no use. After all..Ive got a feeling that we will be seeing them soon Kenma~" I smiled. Kenma held a embarrassed blush as he walked right up next to me. "Kuroo's been rubbing off against you...""Are you that gay for Kuroo~?" . i soon got pushed over by the smol bean and ran to the gym with me following his trail angrily.

I sighed as i made my way out of the school. Kuroo and Kenma was still at practice in the gym. I got untrusted to go back home myself and bid the volleyball team goodbye. As i made way to our apartment, a basketballl seemed to zoom right across my very eyes. "Huh?!" i shouted in shock as i took a step back. 'M-maybe im hallucinating..."

"Kagami you should have been more careful. You almost hit a girl" A monotone voice spoke which sounded all too familiar. "Yeah yeah it's just a girl so what's the deal" A annoying voice made its opinion making me frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. Walking past in front of me was a tall man with red and black hair which seemed ruffled. Though i was distracted by one thing. 'What the hell are those eyebrows..'

The guy picked up the basketball that was on the floor. As he walked back to the court, he looked at me with a small groan. "S-sorry miss..." I shook it off and laughed it off. "No no! Ive had FAR more close incidents that are worse.." I winced as i replied. The tall man raised his furry eyebrows while a light blue shade guy came up to him. It seemed the tall man didn't notice him- Wait. I widened my eyes as i pointed at the light blue haired man. "K-kuroko?!"

"Kuroko?!!" The tall man screamed as he backed off realising that Kuroko was next to him. Kuroko seemed to widened his eyes as well as he faced me. "(L/N)-chan..?" A smile made its way towards my lips as i hugged the blue haired now friend tightly. "I haven't seen you in months Kuroko-kun!". The tall man which i assumed was named 'Kagami' looked at us as he twirled the ball in one finger. "Alright you lovebirds. Kuroko mind explaining why there's another girl who's hugging you?"

"Hai. Kagami-kun meet (L/N)-chan" Kuroko introduced as I waved happily at Kagami. "Hey! You must be Kuroko's new partner that I've heard! Even saw your match with Akashi and you were in the zone! How coollll~" I smiled as i began remembering the match. Hey don't judge me! Just because i don't play basketball because of them doesn't mean i hate basketball!. Kagami smirked in return as he dribbled the ball. "Thanks chibi-chan.""C-chibi?! Well i have you know im smarter then you in any basketball match ever BAKAGAMI!!" I said with a angered expression as i rolled up my non-existent sleeves. Kuroko currently was squished in between us two as he tried to stop us.

"Hey Kuroko! Kagami! Finally we found you! Jeez..why do you have to run off like that?!"
A guy with black hair and glasses came over with a tired expression as he scoffed with a whole team walking behind him. I know him..Aha! Absolutely know him. I remembered him of course i do! After all..i wasn't a Gom.. member for nothing.

^ [ Hyuuga Junpei : Seirin's overalll captain and their shooting guard which explains his sometimes streaks of shoots scoring in 3. ] ^

"Hmm.." i mumbled under my breath as i put on a Akechi pose of thinking. [ (A/N) Note : As Akechi is meant Goro Akechi from Persona 5. The game is very amazing btw. Also if you dont know the pose its this.] ( Edit : Im screaming- I cant find a pose of him thinking very cutely w t f - Also tell me if youw ant a fanfic about him cause lowkey h0t- )

"(L/N)?" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts as i looked at Kuroko while the rest of a team which i guessed was seirin looked at me as well. That's when a guy who widened his eyes and pointed at me. "(L-L/N)?! No way!!". I raised an eyebrow as i folded my arms over my chest. A girl who seemed to be Riko ,their female coach, looked at Izuki now that ive managed to analyse him after. Izuki looked at the team "S-She's one of the Gom!!" The team began whispering and small gasps was heard.

I waved innocently at them as i smiled "Hai! Hello Seirin. I'm (L/N) (F/N) at your service!" I said as a basketball came flying at me. Quickly, i dropped my bag to the ground as i caught the ball with two hands. "oompf!". I looked at them to find the culprit which was standing there with a smirk. "Hahhhh?! Another Gom? Oh well..finally we will get to beat all of the-OUCH!" Riko had made a paper fan as she hit Kagami on the back of his head. "DON'T OUCH ME KAGAMI! YOUVE BEEN DOING THIS ALL THE TIME TO THE REST OF THE GOM AND NOW YOU DARED TO DO IT TO A GIRL?!!"

I grinned as i dribbled the ball gaining attention from them. "Sure! Challenge.." I said as my bangs hid my eyes. I looked at them from under my bangs with a menacing smirk with a flash of (F/C) was slowly replacing my bright / dull (E/C) eyes. "Accepted.. "


Hey hey heyyy~ Thank you for reading till the end? Anyways nowadays im on a rollll trying to finish this story. Hopefully writers block nor school work threatens me now...

For now i'll go and finish a new part of this beautiful almost abandoned story! Don't forget to Follow, Comment and Vote!💕

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