Part 4: Welcome (L/N)-san!

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name

A loud clap was heard as we looked at Takeda-sensei who seemed to be clapping "Okay okay settle down. Now that (L/N)-san is our manager let's introduce ourseleves shouldn't we?"

Instantly the boys lined up in a line facing me as one by one they introduced themselves to me.

The dad figure was first to introduce himself and seeing from his attire he is the captain of the tean "Hello (L/N). I am Daichi Sawamura, the captain of the team and I play Wing Spiker."

Next up was the motherly figure with silver hair. "I am Kòshi Sugawara, the vice-captain of the team and I play as Setter."

A tall and long haired bruenatte stepped forward as he introduced himself "I-I am Azumane Asahi. The ace of the team and I play as another Wing Spiker-r.."

The balled man stepped out looking like he is sending a prayer as he looked at me. "I am Tanaka Ryūnosuke and I play as Wing Spiker!!"

The short and brown haired man with blonde fringed stood out as he wore a diffrent uniform representing the libero. "I am Nishinoya Yū! I play as the libero of the group!"

A finally normal guy stepped up and bowed before introducing himself "I am Ennoshita Chikara and I play as another Wing spiker."

Next up was a black haired boy who seemed like another setter. And i was completely correct "I am Kageyama Tobio and I play setter...nice too meet you"

Hinata then came up "You already know me! But i'll introduce anyways I'm Hinata Shòyo and i play middle blocker"

Yamaguchi was next and follow up was Tsukishima who only said his position as Yamaguchi tried to explain why hes like that.

Everyone except Tsukishima bowed infront of me,obviously feeling flustered since ive neever been bowed before to.



On the other hand, it didn't seem lovely over the basketball rounds.

A loud scream was heard before the final point was taken by Seirin. The red headed had dunked as Seirin's team smile and won.

Afterall now that they had beaten Rakuzan, they were the best in Japan at basketball.

Defeated the members of Rakuzan looked down on the floor, ashamed of their simple lost. Especially the captain.

Though as the crowd cheers at the new victorious winners. The miracles seemed to only have one last thing in mind

"Make (L/N)-san/cchi/chin love basketball once again"


This isn't pretty good but hey i was tired. Anyways i hope you enjoyed this short story. What is the Gom going to do now? And would the Karasuno Members get along with her?

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