Part 16: Training camp (Part I)

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name


I hummed as i walked along the corridors of Nekoma High School. Classes just ended and everyone is headed to their club activities after school which is what i'm doing righhttt now. Today was a special day from what i heard. Coach has been jolly and in a good mood for this few days making me absolutely clueless. I let out a sigh before opening the door of the gym. "Good morning everyone"

Kuroo came right up and held my hand before dragging me to where the team was assembled and sitting down on. "W-wait Kuroo-""Ah, just in time (L/N)-chan" Coach Nekomata calls out. I let out a awkward grin before walking over to his side. I glanced at Naoi with slight confusion to which he silently chuckles at and focuses on Coach Nekomata

-Time skip after a brief explanation on what's going to happen-

"Since this is a training camp there will be other schools like Fukurodani and Karasuno joining us as well" My mouth hung agape till the end of the discussion and everyone was sent to their different venus for practice. Meanwhile, i was still there shocked as ever. "What?! Are you kidding me?!" Kuroo raised an eyebrow at me. "What (F/N)-chan?~Still not ready to face them yet?" Kenma sighed as he continued to play on his console. "Just brave up (L/N). They won't be mad at you once you explain it" he mumbled

I glared at them and folded my arms. "You don't know that! Look..Hinata-kun and everyone else would be so mad at me for running away!" I sighed as Kai went up and pat my shoulders. "I'm sure you will be just fine alright?" He encouraged and i sighed nodding. "Fine..."

Naoi soon clapped his hands. "Alright! Let's train hard before we head to the training camp next week!" The rest nods their head and trained. Just like that in a blink of an eye, a week flew past us and today was our departure or arrival to the Tokyo Summer Training Camp. I exited the bus and looked around me with a smile. Its been a while since i've been to somewhere new before.

Taketora came up to me as he blushes to which i tilts my head up to the tall guy. "U-uhm (L/N)-chan..C-can i help you carry those heavy bags?" I smiled and nods. "Of course! I wouldn't mind extra help" He smiled happily and shyly but i knew him well to know he probably was doing flips in his heart. I glanced to Kuroo and Kenma who were up ahead to talk with the other volleyball teams like Shizen, Ubugawa and Fukurodani. After getting our rooms sorted and bags placed (with help from Taketora) , i went ahead with Kuroo and Kenma only to see them with spiky white haired boy and a silent black haired boy next to him.

I approached them and smiled at Kenma and Kuroo. "Hello there, pardon to intrude. Who are these Kuroo?" He smirked and pats the back of the spiky haired boy resembling an owl. "Fukurodani's ace in your service, Bokuto Kotarou!" Bokuto cheered with a happy grin, smiling from cheek to cheek. Kenma and the other boy kept silent watching their partners go off.

"I-i see..How about you?" I asked, averting my attention to the silent boy next to Kenma. He seemed to acknowledge my appearance here and nods towards me. "Akaashi Keiji. The setter of Fukurodani, i'm sorry if Bokuto-san is bothering you" i cheekily smiled and shakes my head. "No its fine. I've handled guys like him before-"

"KIIIIIYYYYYOOOOKKKKKKOOOOO-SANNNN!" A loud voice cheered as i catch a glimpse of Taketora rushing to a van behind us. I gasped at the familiar name and frantically looked around trying to find a place to hide. Unfortunately i was kept in place in front of Kuroo.

"Hey!" I hissed at Kuroo to which he only winks. I watch as the van pull up and thus came out Karasuno. They got familiarised with Nekoma happily and i gulped seeing Daichi approach us. "Hey Kuroo-" he stopped in his tracks and words as he galnces down at me.

I gave him a small cheeky smile and waved at him. He seemed to have a angry look to which i've heard was very v e ry deadly. I gulped before being engulfed. "(L/N)! Where have you been?!" He scolded loudly, immediately catching the attention of his teammates. The rest ran like flocks over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug, bombarding me with various questions. Tsukishima from the distance scoffed and looked away but held a small smile on his face, being careful to not show anyone his slight relief. I smiled as i relaxed in the embrace. "I'm sorry for leaving..I'm back everyone" i mumbled.


So uh. Finally? A new chapter? Oml im so sorry i swear i didnt mean for the update to be so long u g h. Ive been far too lazy to make content god. Anyways i hope you will enjoy this chapter and dont forget to Vote, Comment and Follow💕 (i totally forgot how i've signed off god-)

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