Part 18 : Seriously . . .?

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(F/N) = First Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(N/N) = Nickname

A shiver ran down my spine as I heard my name being called by Akashi just like that. It had been months since the last encounter between the group and I was intending it to be that way forever! Looks like luck isn't on my side any longer...

"I-i-i-it's you!" Hinata freaked out as he pointed at Akashi before pointing at the rest of the GOM in fear. It was obvious due to the shaking legs he was having. Kageyama on the other hand didn't have much of a reaction and stared blankly at the other group. "Are you stalking (L/N)?" He bluntly replied.

"Of course not! We would never do that to (L/N)macchi!" Kise instantly replied as he sulked over Kageyama's words. "In fact, we didn't plan nor expect this to happen nanodayo" Midorima followed up as a response as he pushed his glasses up.

"Then..why are you here?" I ask, finally speaking up in confusion as i narrowed my eyes at the group of prodigies. "Have you heard of the recent Jabberwock and Strky match?" Aomine started off.

Thus me, Kageyama and Hinata stared at him blankly.' No, we haven't, ' we thought together in unison as we glanced up at the players to which the others replied with a blank look as well, Aomine thus went on, "Well, we are assigned to take revenge on senpai's behalf and we are going to crush those bastards! Unfortunately I have to work with this guy"

Aomine instantly points to Kagami who responded with an irk mark and thus started arguing. "Enough, Aomine, Kagami" Akashi ordered as he broke off the fight and stared at me for a brief second. I widened my eyes as I stared into his eyes for a brief moment.

I knew exactly what he was thinking and what he was planning. Although with the Summer Training Camp, it would be barely possible to attend in my favour but knowing Akashi....I shivered and glanced away, forcing the eye contact to break as I sigh softly.

"Let's go. I'm sure we would meet again (L/N)" Akashi ordered once again and walked out of the convenience store with the rest of the members, each and one of them giving me a glance before exiting.

' What just happened...?? '  I thought in confusion as I blinked and glanced down at the items in my hands. "(L/N), are you okay?""Ne, (L/N)-chan!! Did those guys do anything to you again?!""Boke!! They were just in front of us! They didn't do anything at all!" The two bantered back and forth as I stared blankly.

Thus, a bell rang behind us and we sweatdropped, seeing cashier a bit irritated. "Are you going to pay?" He asked as he gritted his teeth. We froze up slightly before quickly nodding and proceeding to pay. Soon after, we exited the convenience store and headed back to the training camp.

"Ah you three are back!" Sugawara smiled as he waved at us. "Oh! Koshi-kun!" I chimed as I waved back. "Ohhh!! Finally you three are back!" "Tanaka-san!" Hinata chimed whilw Kageyama nods. "Mh"

"Oh guess what guess what?! We met those Basketball dudes the one that scared (F/N)-chan away!" Hinata babbled on to Tanaka who basically was pumped up to just hear about the GOM.

'Jabberwock and Strky match? Hm....revenge huh?' I thought to myself as Kageyama held a hand to my shoulder causing me to flinch. "You okay?""Perfectly fine Kageyama-kun!" I nod with a grin although an idea came up in my head.

'Hopefully they don't take my appearance to the match as a sign of truce over what had happened....'


Guess who finally came back and updated this book? :D tbh i'm very surprised to hear people supporting this book that i started. I really appreciate it from all of you :D well that's all from me. I'll be sure to continue to make more updates frequently if i can or have the will too :)

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