Part 7: Generation of miracles

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(F/N) = First Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(N/N) = Nickname

The team was practising volleyball in the gym. Currently they were practising their serves and some of them were practising their receives.

"Nice Yamaguchi!" Daichi said to the freckled boy with a thumbs-up. He smiled as he nodded towards Daichi.

Hinata panted as he was practising his receives with Kageyama. He looked exhasuted but stayed determind. "ONE MORE!!"

Me, Takeda-sensei, Shimizu-senpai were sitting on the bench watching the boys.

Suddenly i was shoved with water bottles into my face. I was surprised and took some of them before looking at the person who did it which was Shimizu-senpai.

"Shall we go refill some water bottles?" She said as she looked at me. I quickly nodded and made my way out of the gym.

- Hinata's pov -

Damn seriously Kageyama's serves are so strong..!

But soon enough my thoughts were interupted by the door of the gym opening. I looked at the door as the rest did the same.

I narrowed my eyes at them as i see the colourful haired boys.

"Ne Aka-chin looks like (N/N)-chin is not here.." The purple giant said as he sucked on his lollipop.

"Maybe he's lying nanodayo.." The green haired shooter said as he pushed his glasses.

The red haired boy walked up to me and stared coldly at me. "Where's (L/N) Orange?"

Tanaka and Nishinoya-senpai shouted.

"Well i need to make her lov-" "Akashi..that's enough.."

(L/N) came back with water bottles at her hand to which Daichi helped carry them

 - (L/N) Pov -

As the water bottles went out of my grip, i crossed my arms as i looked at him. Why was he here? Heck why was everyone here?

"Akashi..that's enough.."

I glared at him as he took a step back from his position as he stared at my blue eyes. I noticed something..something very..very different...which was his eyes.

It was no longer the gold and red eyes..but it was the normal..the old normal Akashi.

"(L/N)...ive been looking for you..""(N/N)-chin do you still hate us?""Murasakibara-kun thats too literal.."

I could only keep quiet and there was a tension as the silent dreaded. But it was stopped when Tanaka and Nishinoya began rumbling nonesense.

"HEY WHO ARE YOU?!""YEA AND SCARING OUR (F/N)-CHAN?!" But they were both silented by Akashi and the rest as they heard Nishiniya saying i was theirs.

I heard Aomine clicking his tongue before stepping in and facing them "Hey-""Aomine that's enough" Akashi had silenced him.

"I apologise on behalf of our rude introduction but you might know us by our general title The generation of miracles"

The gym was soon filled with mumbles of shock and whispers. Akashi spoke up once again

"We are only here to get our member" He said as he looked at me. I only glared back. Sugawara, who seemed to notice our tension, questioned "you mean..(L/N)?"

Akashi responded with a nod as he turned and looked at Sugawara, instantly seeing my senpai cower as he looked at Akashi.

"Yes" Akashi said as he pierced his eyes at Sugawara.


Cliffhangers am I right? Anyways what do you think is (F/N)'s response will be? Also a quick question Im thinking about changing (F/N) to just plain (Y/N). Should i do it?

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