Part 12: Nekoma (Part I)

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nickname

After lessons had ended, soon enough i was packing my bags and heading back to the apartment. Tho..that didn't go as planned....As i was walking through thr hallways, around the corner and soon i was dragged from around the corner. As i was getting dragged, I letted out an ear-piercing scream.

"Ow!! (F/N) I didn't know you scream that loud!" A husky voiced said and i turned around to look at the owner of the found voice. It turned out to be Kuroo, who was holding his ears in pain.

"Oops?""Kuroo let's go..""Yes yes! Let's go Kuroo-san!" a few voices said and soon an arm slung around my shoulders (to which i found out was Kuroo's hand) as we walked down the hallway. Kenma suddenly appeared next to me on my right while Kuroo and Lev was on my left. Kenma as usual was playing his game console while Kuroo and Lev talked about random stuff.

"Um..Where are we exactly going Kuroo?" I said as i suddenly halted and looked around. Kuroo grinned as he looked at me.

"Silly you! We are going to the gym of course! To see and impress you with our volleyball team and make you join as manager! Right guys?" Kuroo said proudly as Lev ,who was next to him, nodded rapidly while Kenma only responded with an uneasy 'sure..' . After what me and Kenma thought, which was a ride from hell, we finally reached the gym. As soon as I had opened the door, a ball came flying to my face. Luckily, Kuroo stopped it with his hands.

"Who threw it?" a dark voice came out of Kuroo, making me and Lev cower and hide behind Kenma, whow as currently unaffected by the whole thing and so concentrated on his game console. The tension was high making the members in the gym shiver as well. Suddenly there was a voice that dared to spoke in the dark tension.

"There there Kuroo..." A voice spoke. I looked at the person who held the voice and it seemed to be their Coach who was accompanied by their manager.

"Just leave it there" He thus looked towards me accompanied by everyone else looking at me. I gulped at the attention. "Im guessing your (L/N)-san right?" I nodded rapidly, slightly shaking at the attention once again. The elderly coach then chuckled loudly. "Well its nice to see that you have been familiarise with our ace, blocker and brain"

'Brain? Who- Oh...' I was confused till i found out and it made sense. Of course its Kenma knowing he wasnt dumb like the other two tall human beings. Though there was a big grin on Lev's face as he heard what his Coach has said. "A-ace?! ^^" Kuroo patted his back with a light smack before punching him to the floor. "YOU STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO RECEIVE SO HOW DO YOU EVEN BECOME AN ACE-"

As the two argued, the elderly coach just laughed lightheartedly while the young manager just held in a sigh. The elderly coach thus turned to look at me. I stood on guard as i looked at the coach. "Those two never get enough oh it. (L/N)-san its really a pleasure to meet you. My name's Yasufumi Nekomata and one thing to note is that ive been rivals with the Ikkei since we ever met Hoho!"

Not understanding what he meant, I awkwardly smiled while i heard the sound of tapping next to me and assumed it was just Kenma tapping away on his game console once again. The manager seemed to saw my confusion and tried to speak to me though it was a little hard due to the fight Lev and Kuroo was still going. "Ano..What Nekomata-san meant was he and your coach's grandfather at Karasuno have been rival's since they met..""Hoho! You have said correctly Naoi!" Nekomata or now..Coach laughed and patted Naoi on the back.

Soon a loud silencing sound made us a group stop talking and looked towards the court. "YES!" A boy who resembled Tanaka shouted while a shorter male at the other side of the court nagged at him about being noisy. "Woah.." a word of surprise escaped my lips as i stared at the court in amazement. Kuroo seemed to notice and grinned. "Alright (N/N)-chan~Let's introduce to our crew shall we?" He smirked as he lead me the way towards the court, Kenma and Lev trailing behind.

"Yosh~!" Kuroo said and the members looked towards him. Some were mumbling about what perhaps their curiosity about me...Not that i care anyways. "I-i cant face h-her dude!" The boy who was resembling Tanaka said as he tugged a shirt which belonged to a guy witch short hair. Kuroo sighed before suddenly shouting. "Everyone! Calm down~"

Kuroo then suddenly grabbed me shouldee and dragged me in front of him. My confusion was starting to bubble up. "Um Kuro-""Minna-san*~This beautiful woman here is my friend!""You mean mine too Kuroo...." Kenma added silently. Soon there was a silent pause before a cry of stress was heard "ARGHHH!! I CANT BELIEVE A GODDESS IS FRIENDS WITH A DEMON" The male with a Mohawk said. Kuroo then smirked before placing a hand over his heart "Me? A demon? Never in a million of years""I think you are though" Said Lev who looks like he didnt know what was happening. Kuroo then launched onto him tackling him to the ground screaming angry words while a short player who looks to be their libero trying to stop him. Soon chaos had began.


Woah finally a long chapter from my lazy ass- Anyways hopefully you all enjoyed it! Ive been rewatching haikyuu since its been too long since ive last seen it though im catching up with the manga (dont worry no manga spoils for now)

So have a wonderful weekend and be sure to Follow, Comment and Vote! 💕

*Minna-san (Everyone)

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