Part 15 : My win, your lost Baka!

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(L/N) = Last name
(F/N) = First name
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(E/C) = Eye Colour
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(N/N) = Nickname


"Holy sh*t i think i peed in my pants" Kiyoshi seemed to say as he stared at me. Hyuuga quickly shut him up as the whole of Seirin watched the female along with Kagami. I grinned as i tossed the ball side to side whistling. "Now now~Take your time to prepare or you might not like this certain experience Bakagami" I teased as I saw Kagami's big furry eyebrows twitch in anger. "Oi-""Kagami-kun. I think its best we listen to her advice. I've never played a match against her myself but as far as Aomine-kun's fights go against her, it was.." Kuroko kept silent and mumbled "brutal.."

Kagami frowned deepens and sighs at his light. I smirked as i tossed around the court with bored look. Seriously how long was he gonna frown about this? Wasn't he the one who dared to even play a match with me? Soon after the few warm ups, Kagami was up and ready smirking while I smiled innocently.

Riko being the coach, she threw the ball up in the air and Kagami the giant of course took tipped the ball first. Growling, I fell quickly under the giant and ran after the ball with a trail of light (F/C) was behind me, getting it faster then him. His jumping power wasn't always a good thing especially against 1 vs 1 tip offs.

I dribbled the ball, nearing Kagami's destined hoop and backed up as i tried to get an aim of the hoop. Kagami seemed to try and smack the ball away from my hands but i took this opportunity. I looped the ball under his arms as it flew up to the hoop. Ducking under his gigantic arms, I jumped up as i slammed it down into the hoop scoring a dunk. Kagami seemed bewildered "W-what?!!" as Seirin had their jaws down to the floor. '1 - 0..' I thought.

As the second tip off started, Kagami seemed to have gotten the idea about underestimating me and played harder, improving some of his mistakes. As the match went on, a yellow haired boy was certainly attached to the game that went on.

3rd person pov

Kise, the yellow haired boy, was just happening to pass by. He was tasked to get Midorima a pair of newspaper at the convenience store and Murasakibara seemed to butt in saying he wanted a snack as well. Kise sulked as he remembered it. "Atsushiichi and midorimacchi are meanies! I'm not a slave!" Kise pouts as he walked out with the bag full off stuff. As he walked, he couldn't help but here a familiar voice and his suspicions were confirmed after a flock of light blue hair was spotted. Kise's eyes lit up and was about to walk over to interrupt their training or so he thought. 

He stopped in his tracks as he saw a familiar flock of (H/C).  '(L/C)/(N/N)icchi...' Kise didn't think of it as much before widening his eyes. 'Wait..What?!' He ran over as he gripped onto a bench. He was too focused on the game that was (L/C) against Kagami and ignored the buzzing of phone calls and text he got from Murasakibara and Midorima.

Time Skip

(F/N)'s pov

It was the 2nd half of the game. '22 - 10' I thought as I grinned and chugged down a few sips of a spare water bottle that Riko had asked the boys to rush down and fill it for me. I was panting quite heavily as a towel drapped over my head. I looked to see Kuroko. I sighed and took it, wiping my sweat.

"Arigatou.." I mumbled as the tense silence voiced through. We weren't exactly this tense after the fight but it was always awkward during matches especially after our last one in Teiko. The silence continued before Kuroko spoke up. "You know (L/N)-san..It looks like your winning." A blank look was on my face as I face Kuroko. 'Really Kuroko? That's the best you can say?' I sigh and nods. "Your light is interesting Kuroko. I'm sure you guys would be great partners in the near future."

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