Part 9 : In need of help

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(L/N) = Last Name
(F/N) = First Name

- (F/N)'s Pov -

"Kenma! I need your help.."

As i looked at him and pleaded him, he stared at me weirdly and looked away from his video game console. "From..what?" As he said that, i hear the members coming closer and quickly i took both Kuroo's and Kenma's hand and hid behind a near bush.I peaked through the bush and saw Sugawara, Daichi and Asahi together panting and with flashlights in their hand.

"I swear i could hear voices here just now.." Sugawara had said as he panted quite heavily. Daichi patted him on the back and sighed "Maybe your just hearing things-""Actually i heard something coming from h-here too D-daichi.."

Asahi seemed to had said and his response made Daichi just sigh and shrug his shoulders. "Maybe your right..who knows..""Come on Daichi, Asahi, we need to go before Coach is worried.."

Asahi nodded and trailed behind sugawara, following him "Osu". As they went, a noise came from Kenma's console and both me and Kuroo glared silently at Kenma who was switching off the console quickly.

Daichi seemed to have heard us and looked tosards our bush making the three of us sweatdropped and panicking. He inched closer to the bush with his flashlight till...

"Oi Daichi! Come on!""Ah alright!" Daichi quickly then followed behind the two third years making me release the long breath that i have been holding in.

We got out of the bush and i glared at Kenma. "You could have turn off your console.." Kenma shrugged "I didn't know"

Kuroo grinned as he looked at me. "So your running away from the Karasuno members~? Perfect you can be our manager then~""HENTA-" the words became muffled as Kenma quickly placed a hand over my mouth.

If your wondering, Yes i know Kenma and Kuroo before the rest as they were my friends when i was living in Tokyo before moving back to Miyagi.

Kenma the rolled his eyes and released his hand. "So..your going to stay in my place then..?" Nod "with us both..?" A nod was received once again

Kenma sighed before turning on his console again. Kuroo grinned before wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Yosh~! Let's go!"" Why are you in Miyagi anyways?"

I looked at them at which Kuroo sweatdropped and made a simple excuse of visiting someone when they were clearly or he was clearly wanting to visit me.

- Hinata's Pov -

We weren't successful of finding (F/N) as well as the other teams. All i could hope for is that (F/N) was at home safe and sound and we were worried for no reason.

I sighed defeatedly as i sat down on the gym floor with the rest who had gloomy faces. Nobody was happy but all of us were just hoping that we had just overreacted and she was at home.

As Coach gave us some information about our formation and stuff and soon after we were released to go back home.

I sighed as i pushed my bike and walked to my home path only to stop in front of the enormous building holding apartments at which (F/N)'s apartment was.

I wanted to go and knock on the door but due to the argument maybe she wasn't in the mood..but i wanted to see if she was at home as well safe..

I ignored my curiosity and pushed my bike once again. Maybe tomorrow she will be there and be happy and ready for school when i visit her.


I AM SO SORRY if you are so dumbfounded by how short these chapters are. I promise it will get longer. Despite that i hope you really like this chapter today. Again im so sorry

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