Niall Imagine Dirty - Stalkerish love

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Niall was your typical shy and nerdy guy, a guy that rarely uttered his meanings and beliefs in class - probably scared of what others would think of him, so he kept his mouth shut just in case. He was a cute guy nevertheless, he never rebelled against his parents nor the teachers. Some would say that he was the teacher's pet, but he actually tried to get away from that title as he did not want such attention, as it could result in being bullied by the ''popular guys'', or girls for that matter. So, he did what he was supposed to do at school, but he never really raised his hands in class to say anything -unless it was something that he was really interested in, like literature and history. He also had straight A's, believe it or not, but it was a secret to the majority of the school.. So whenever someone asked him how a test went he would quickly mumble something like "Aah, I did alright man" or "could have done better", just to avoid any nerd comments. Niall was not your typical dreamy guy, who longed for adventures and new experiences.. he lived every day like the day before. But there was something that actually happened every day, that Niall was not aware of. There was this girl, who often tried to get his attention by either asking him for a pen, or randomly bumping into him in the halls.. But one could say that Niall never thought that a girl would do such things to get closer to him, or to get to know him, especially not because they liked him. So he ignored it all.





The annoying sound Lou's voice had been disrupting my thoughts the last few seconds, I eventually shook it off and looked up at him, which resulted in a grin from him.

"You always space out like that man, what are ya thinking about?" Louis took a large bite of his pear as he awaited an answer from me, I only shook my head once more and muttered a quiet "it's nothing".

"Well okay.. ANYWAYS! Did I tell you that I was on a date with Ruby last night? Yeah man it was.. amazing" Lou grinned as he was staring at the pear he was so into eating. Again, I shook my head and folded my hands, preparing for the story that Louis so obviously wanted to share with me.

Okay admit you thought that Niall did not have any friends? Yes? Well, he did. He had a bestfriend actually, named Louis Tomlinson. They were quite the opposites though, but hey! Opposites attract, don't they? ;) No, they're not gay. Anyway, Louis was your typical soccer dude, who went on dates every now and then. Something Niall never did, but he certainly knew a lot about Lou's dates.. Anyway, back to the story...

"Okay so.. we had been to that new restaurant that opened down the street, "Johnny's" or something.. It was not awkward or anything, but I kept staring at her boobs.. BUT that's obviously her fault as she had them literally pressed up in my face, like this!" and then Louis tried to show me his imaginary breasts by pushing his chest up in my face, but I knew she never would've done it as close as he did.. But what would I know?

"Come on, stop Lou, I get the idea", finally he stopped and I looked around us, hoping that no one saw what just happened. Louis just took another bite of his pear and continued his next sentence with it in his mouth, making weird noises whilst doing so.

"So when we got home to her place, she was home alone obviously, we went up to her room and we talked about how good the food was.. And.. GUESS what happened next!!?" Louis looked at me with a smirk and I did nothing but sigh, "Uhm, you kissed her?"

"NO! she got down on her knees, like.. out of nowhere! Man that girl.. that girl is something"

"Down on her knees?"

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