Louis Imagine, Dirty - Substitute teacher

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Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long:o I've been writing on this chapter for like.. ages. It's long, and I've been busy so that's just my excuse, really. Anyways, here it goes and I hope you'll like it ;) x

It had been a good summer, with both ups and downs. You'd had your family vacation in Spain and went out clubbing with your girls. You'd also met this guy, whom you'd almost fell in love with. You only saw him once, and after that night it was like he'd never existed.. You had no number, no adress.. no anything.. All you had was his nickname; Lou.

You'd thought about him a lot, he was flooding your mind every once in a while. None of your friends knew about him though, it was just a quick one night stand.. But after all, you felt there was something more... You wouldn't let him escape your mind either.. but the chance to see him again was very small..

Despite the rather small chance to see or meet him again, you did.

First day of school.

"Y/N! You're not going to be late for the first day are you???!!!!'' your mum yelled, you rolled your eyes as you pulled on your skirt. ''NO! OF COURSE NOT!'' you answered as you checked your make up one last time.

When you entered the kitchen your mum stood there with her arms crossed "It's just a few minutes left Y/N..'' she murmured, you sighed ''I know..''. You grabbed your bag and ran out of the house, lucky for you, you lived just across the street from your school.

As you entered the school hallway you started to think about how this year would be, would it be great? awesome? bad..? Well, you had all your friends in your class, so it wouldn't be that bad would it? Even though your favorite teacher had moved away and they had to give you a subsitute teacher until they could hire a new one, you were positive that it would be alright.. or.. at least you hoped so.

The school bell rang the moment you sat down on your chair next to your bestfriends. ''I didn't think you would make it, Y/N'' one of them said and giggled, you flipped your hair; ''fashionably late, huh?'' you joked and you all laughed a little, but were cut off as the substitute teacher entered the room. You heard your friends whisper "omg he.. he's hot".

You felt your stomach twist and turn. It couldn't... It really couldn't be.. Lou?

"Hello class, I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'll be your subsitute teacher for a while, and I hope we'll have a great time together'' he said, and he still hadn't noticed you, great! You sunk lower and lower on your chair, hiding your face with your hands. How would he react if he found out that you were in his class? How old was he actually? You couldn't believe you hadn't even asked him that.. He would be embarrassed, what if he leaves? what if...

''Y/N'' he called your name, you raised your hand slowly and almost whispered; ''here..''

''Y/N?'' he called again and you raised it a bit higher ''I'm.. err.. I'm here''.

Suddenly your eyes met his, and you swallowed nervously. Did he recognize you? You looked at eachother for a while before he broke the eye contact and looked down at his papers quickly. Your heart dropped, he was embarrassed. He had to be. He continued calling names, and when the last name was said, he looked up at you again and smiled a half smile. You looked down at your hands and blushed slightly. Awkward.

One hour later

The class was over and you were going to have a five minute break. "Y/N?'' Lou called and you looked up, "could I talk to you in my office for a minute?" he asked and you friends giggled. "You're so lucky!" they whispered behind you as you stood up and walked towards the boy you had been thinking about the past few months.

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